Telephone Book

The Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne

  • functions as an "Umbrella Structure" with its research funding and thus integrates research groups that are located in their own clinical departments / institutes at the Life Science Campus of the University of Cologne and the University Hospital of Cologne.
  • provides state-of-the art laboratory space, preferably for Junior Research Groups and for research groups supported by the Career Advancement Program in the CMMC Research Building.

For this reason, the CMMC Telephone Book contains the contact details of all PIs and Co-PIs in addition, to the contact details of the staff members, whose research group is located in the CMMC Research Building.

CMMC Cologne
Adam, Daniel

Member of Hans Zempel´s Research Group

+49 221 478 89588

CMMC Cologne
Al Kabbani, Mhd Aghyad

Member of Hans Zempel`s Research Group

+49 221 478 89588

Prof. Dr. Dr. Miguel A Alejandre Alcázar CMMC Cologne
Alejandre Alcázar, Miguel A – Prof. Dr. Dr.

Department for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine

+49 221 478 96876

Dr. Janine Altmüller CMMC Cologne
Altmüller, Janine – Dr.

CMMC & Genomics Berlin Inst. of Health - Charité Berlin

Dr. Alessandro Annibaldi CMMC Cologne
Annibaldi, Alessandro – Dr.

CMMC | Lab. of Cell Death, Inflammation and Immunity - CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 37455

Dr. Maria Anokhina CMMC Cologne
Anokhina, Maria – Dr.

Institute for General Pathology and Pathological Anatomy

Dr. Philipp Antczak CMMC Cologne
Antczak, Philipp – Dr.

CMMC | Lab. of Computational Biology of Ageing - CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 42910

Dr. Mehrnaz Babaki CMMC Cologne
Babaki, Mehrnaz – Dr.

Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne and CECAD Research Center

+49 221 478 84516

Sarah Bachmann CMMC Cologne
Bachmann, Sarah

Member of Hans Zempel´s Research Group

+49 221 478-89669

Prof. Dr. Stephan Baldus CMMC Cologne
Baldus, Stephan – Prof. Dr.

Department III of Internal Medicine | General and interventional cardiology, electrophysiology, angiology, pneumology and internal intensive care medicine

+49 221 478 32511

Prof. Dr. Georg Bareth CMMC Cologne
Bareth, Georg – Prof. Dr.

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science | Dean's Office

+49 221 470 5643

CMMC Cologne
Bariboloka, Kristie

Member of Alessandro Annibaldi´s Research Group - JRG 12

+49 221 478-96969

Dr. Hisham Bazzi CMMC Cologne
Bazzi, Hisham – Dr.

University of Michigan Medical School

PD Dr. Bodo Beck CMMC Cologne
Beck, Bodo – PD Dr.

Institute of Human Genetics | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 86824

Dr. Uwe Becker CMMC Cologne
Becker, Uwe – Dr.

Member of Brunhilde Wirth´s Research Group - C 18

+49 221 478 86464

CMMC Cologne
Becker, Maximilian

Member of Stephan Rosenkranz´s Research Group - assoc. RG 19

+49 221 478 89599

Michael Bell CMMC Cologne
Bell, Michael

Member of Hans Zempel´s Research Group

+49 221 478-89669

Prof. Dr. Thomas Benzing CMMC Cologne
Benzing, Thomas – Prof. Dr.

Department II for Internal Medicine

+49 221 478 4480

Prof. Dr. Matteo Bergami CMMC Cologne
Bergami, Matteo – Prof. Dr.

CECAD Research Center

+49 221 478 84250

Dr. Eva Berghausen CMMC Cologne
Berghausen, Eva – Dr.

Member of Stephan Rosenkranz´s Research Group - assoc. RG 19

+49 221 478 89596

Prof. Dr. Andreas Beyer CMMC Cologne
Beyer, Andreas – Prof. Dr.

Institute for Genetics | CECAD Research Center

+49 221 478 84429

Prof. Dr. Felix Bock CMMC Cologne
Bock, Felix – Prof. Dr.

Department of General Ophthalmology

+49 221 478 97789

Dr. Nadja Borchers CMMC Cologne
Borchers, Nadja – Dr.

Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 89535

Prof. Dr. Katarzyna Bozek CMMC Cologne
Bozek, Katarzyna – Prof. Dr.

Institute for Bioinformatics | CMMC

+49 221 478 89529

Prof. Dr. Bent Brachvogel CMMC Cologne
Brachvogel, Bent – Prof. Dr.

Department for Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine

+49 221 478-6996

PD Dr. Johannes Brägelmann CMMC Cologne
Brägelmann, Johannes – PD Dr.

MSSOC | Inst. for General Pathology and Pathological Anatomy | Dept. of Translational Genomics

+49 221 478 98775

PD Dr. Sebastian Brähler CMMC Cologne
Brähler, Sebastian – PD Dr.

Department II of Internal Medicine | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 470 39243

Prof. Dr. Paul Brinkkötter CMMC Cologne
Brinkkötter, Paul – Prof. Dr.

Department II of Internal Medicine

+49 221 478 30627

Prof. Dr. Jens C Brüning CMMC Cologne
Brüning, Jens C – Prof. Dr.

Department for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Preventive Medicine

+49 221 478 32123

Dr. Stephanie Brunner CMMC Cologne
Brunner, Stephanie – Dr.

Member of the Hans Schlößer's Research Group - CAP 12

+49 221 478 5173

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Büttner CMMC Cologne
Büttner, Reinhard – Prof. Dr.

Institute for Pathology

+49 221 478 6320

Prof. Dr. Filipe Cabreiro CMMC Cologne
Cabreiro, Filipe – Prof. Dr.

CECAD Research Center

+49 221 478 84390

Çağla Çakmak CMMC Cologne
Çakmak, Çağla

Member of Hans Zempel´s Research Group

Carlos Carvajal Fraile CMMC Cologne
Carvajal Fraile, Carlos

Member of Alessandro Annibaldi´s Research Group - JRG 12

+49 221 478-96969

PD Dr. Markus Chmielewski CMMC Cologne
Chmielewski, Markus – PD Dr.

Department I of Internal Medicine | Lab. for Tumor Genetics and Cellular Immunotherapy - TRIO Research Building

+49 221 478 89617

CMMC Cologne
Chudobová, Jana

Member of Hans Zempel´s Research Group

Dr. Thomas Clahsen CMMC Cologne
Clahsen, Thomas – Dr.

Department of General Ophthalmology

+49 221 478 32785

Prof. Dr. Oliver A Cornely CMMC Cologne
Cornely, Oliver A – Prof. Dr.

CECAD | Clinical Trials Center Cologne

+49 221 478 6494

Dr. Mauro Corrado CMMC Cologne
Corrado, Mauro – Dr.

CECAD Research Center

+49 221 478 84167

Prof. Dr. Claus Cursiefen CMMC Cologne
Cursiefen, Claus – Prof. Dr.

Department of Ophthalmology | Translational Experimental Ophthalmology Cologne (TEO-C)

+49 221 478 4300

CMMC Cologne
Dahlhaus, Marten

Member of Philipp Schommers´ Research Group - JRG 1

+ 49 221 478 76696

CMMC Cologne
Datta, Rabi Raj

Member of the Hans Schlößer's Research Group - CAP 12

+49 221 478 5173

Dr. Martin S Denzel CMMC Cologne
Denzel, Martin S – Dr.

Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing

+49 221 379 70443

CMMC Cologne
Deserno, Maurice

Member of Katarzyna Bozek´s Research Group - assoc. JRG 04

+49 221 478 89529

Dr. Paul Diefenhardt CMMC Cologne
Diefenhardt, Paul – Dr.

Member of Paul Brinkkötter´s Research Group - B 01

+49 221 478 96978

CMMC Cologne
Eisenack, Tom Joshua

Member of Débora B Trentini Schmidt´s Research Group - assoc. JRG 05

+49 221 478 89658

Prof. Dr. Sabine Eming CMMC Cologne
Eming, Sabine – Prof. Dr.

Department of Dermatology and Venereology

0221 478 3196

Dr. Florian Erger CMMC Cologne
Erger, Florian – Dr.

Institute of Human Genetics | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 86828

Dr. Mafalda Escobar-Henriques CMMC Cologne
Escobar-Henriques, Mafalda – Dr.

Institute for Genetics

+49 221 478 84257

Prof. Dr. Mario Fabri CMMC Cologne
Fabri, Mario – Prof. Dr.

Department of Dermatology and Venereology

+49 221 478 82269

Peter Fey CMMC Cologne
Fey, Peter

Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 81985

Prof. Dr. Matthias Fischer CMMC Cologne
Fischer, Matthias – Prof. Dr.

Department of Exp. Pediatric Oncology | Clinic of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine

+49 221 478 6816

Prof. Dr. Dietmar Fischer CMMC Cologne
Fischer, Dietmar – Prof. Dr.

Center for Pharmacology and the Institutes I (acting) and II for Pharmacology

PD Dr. Lukas Frenzel CMMC Cologne
Frenzel, Lukas – PD Dr.

Department I of Internal Medicine

+49 221 478 84127

CMMC Cologne
Garcia-Marquez, Maria – Dr.

Member of the Hans Schlößer's Research Group - CAP 12

+49 221 478 89612

Prof. Dr. Niels Gehring CMMC Cologne
Gehring, Niels – Prof. Dr.

Institute for Genetics, Department of Biology

+49 221 470 3873

CMMC Cologne
Gieselmann, Lutz – Dr.

Member of Florian Klein´s Research Group - assoc. RG 10

+49 221 478 89659

Leoni Gnatzy-Feik CMMC Cologne
Gnatzy-Feik, Leoni

Member of Stephan Rosenkranz´s Research Group - assoc. RG 19

+49 221 478 89596

Dr. Debora Grosskopf-Kroiher CMMC Cologne
Grosskopf-Kroiher, Debora – Dr.

CMMC | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 89535

CMMC Cologne
Grüll, Henning – Dr.

Member of Florian Klein´s Research Group - assoc. RG 10

+49 221 478 96973

Prof. Dr. Holger Grüll CMMC Cologne
Grüll, Holger – Prof. Dr.

Institute of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology

Dr. Matthias Hackl CMMC Cologne
Hackl, Matthias – Dr.

Clinic II of Internal Medicine

+49 221 478 32319

Dr. Karina Hadrian CMMC Cologne
Hadrian, Karina – Dr.

Department of General Ophthalmology

+49 221 478 15169

CMMC Cologne
Hagmann, Henning – PD Dr.

Member of Paul Brinkkötter´s Research Group - B 01

+49 221 478 89515

Dr. Eric Hahnen CMMC Cologne
Hahnen, Eric – Dr.

Center for Familial Breast- and Ovarian Cancer

+49 221 478 98409

Prof. Dr. Michael Hallek CMMC Cologne
Hallek, Michael – Prof. Dr.

Department I of Internal Medicine

+49 221 478 4400

Prof. Dr. Matthias Hammerschmidt CMMC Cologne
Hammerschmidt, Matthias – Prof. Dr.

Institute of Zoology | Biocenter Cologne

+49 221 470 5665

Dr. Robert Hänsel-Hertsch CMMC Cologne
Hänsel-Hertsch, Robert – Dr.

CMMC | Lab. for Genome Biology | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 96988

Dr. Ruth Hanßen CMMC Cologne
Hanßen, Ruth – Dr.

Department for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Preventive Medicine

0221 478 30691

Kerstin Heber, M.A. CMMC Cologne
Heber, M.A., Kerstin

Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 89533

Prof. Dr. Dr. Axel Heidenreich CMMC Cologne
Heidenreich, Axel – Prof. Dr. Dr.

Department of Urology and Uro-Oncology

+49 221 478 82108

Dr. Claudia Herr CMMC Cologne
Herr, Claudia – Dr.

Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 89534

CMMC Cologne
Hesse, Franziska

Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne

+49 221 478 89791

Dr. Paul Higgins CMMC Cologne
Higgins, Paul – Dr.

Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene

+49 221 478 32011

Prof. Dr. Axel Hillmer CMMC Cologne
Hillmer, Axel – Prof. Dr.

Institute for General Pathology and Pathological Anatomy

+49 221 478 85643

Dr. Andreas Hombach CMMC Cologne
Hombach, Andreas – Dr.

Department I of Internal Medicine | Lab. for Tumor Genetics and Cellular Immunotherapy | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 15106

Prof. Dr. Thorsten Hoppe CMMC Cologne
Hoppe, Thorsten – Prof. Dr.

Institute for Genetics | CECAD Research Center

+49 221 478 84218

CMMC Cologne
Hösel, Marianna – Dr.

Clinic I of Internal Medicine / Location: CMMC Building

+49 221 478 89608

PD Dr. Friedrich Felix Hoyer CMMC Cologne
Hoyer, Friedrich Felix – PD Dr.

Department III of Internal Medicine | Heart Center

+49 221 478 36988

Pascal Hunold CMMC Cologne
Hunold, Pascal

Member of Robert Hänsel-Hertsch´s Research Group - JRG 10

+49 221 478 89598

Dr. Muhammad Sajid Hussain CMMC Cologne
Hussain, Muhammad Sajid – Dr.

Center for Biochemistry

Prof. Dr. Dirk Isbrandt CMMC Cologne
Isbrandt, Dirk – Prof. Dr.

Institute for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience

+49 221 478 32732

Dr. Christina Ising CMMC Cologne
Ising, Christina – Dr.

CECAD Research Center

+49 221 478 84166

PD Dr. Ron Daniel Jachimowicz CMMC Cologne
Jachimowicz, Ron Daniel – PD Dr.

Department I of Internal Medicine | MPI of Ageing

+ 49 221 37 970 580

CMMC Cologne
Jahn-Hauslage, Silke

Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne | Animal Facility | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 89548

CMMC Cologne
Janicki, Hanna

Member of Florian Klein´s Research Group - assoc. RG 10

+49 221 478 89538

Prof. Dr. Jonathan Jantsch CMMC Cologne
Jantsch, Jonathan – Prof. Dr.

Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene

+49 0221 478 32000

CMMC Cologne
Karst, Oliver

Institute of Zoology

+49 221 470 3131

Prof. Dr. Hamid Kashkar CMMC Cologne
Kashkar, Hamid – Prof. Dr.

Institute for Molecular Immunology | CECAD Research Center

+49 221 478 84091

Dr. Sophie Kaspar CMMC Cologne
Kaspar, Sophie – Dr.

Member of Brunhilde Wirth´s Research Group - C 18

+49 221 478 89523

Prof. Dr. Stephanie Kath-Schorr CMMC Cologne
Kath-Schorr, Stephanie – Prof. Dr.

Department of Chemistry, Institute of Organic Chemistry | Math.-Nat. Faculty

0221 470-4375

Kalamkar Kaustubh CMMC Cologne
Kaustubh, Kalamkar

Member of Leo Kurian´s Research Group - A 07

+49 221 478 89539

Monika Keiten-Schmitz CMMC Cologne
Keiten-Schmitz, Monika

Member of the Hans Schlößer's Research Group - CAP 12

+49 221 478 89518

Dr. Lara-Jane Kepser CMMC Cologne
Kepser, Lara-Jane – Dr.

Department of Molecular and Translational Neurosciences | Institute II for Anatomy

+ 49 221 478 5003

Prof. Dr. Florian Klein CMMC Cologne
Klein, Florian – Prof. Dr.

Institute of Virology

+49 221 478 89693

CMMC Cologne
Kleipass, Franziska

Member of Florian Klein´s Research Group - assoc. RG 10

+49 221 478 96975

CMMC Cologne
Klimek, Jennifer

Member of Hans Zempel´s Research Group

+49 221 478 89585

Prof. Dr. Jens P Klußmann CMMC Cologne
Klußmann, Jens P – Prof. Dr.

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery

+49 221 478 51660

Prof. Dr. Manuel Koch CMMC Cologne
Koch, Manuel – Prof. Dr.

Institute for Dental Research and Musculoskeletal Biology

Sachiko Kolar CMMC Cologne
Kolar, Sachiko

Member of Paul Brinkkötter´s Research Group - B 01

+49 221 478 89517

Prof. Dr. Natalia Kononenko CMMC Cologne
Kononenko, Natalia – Prof. Dr.

Center for Physiology and Pathophysiology | CECAD Research Center

+49 221 478-84302

CMMC Cologne
Korenkov, Michael

Member of Florian Klein´s Research Group - assoc. RG 10

+49 221 478 42914

Prof. Dr. Tatiana Korotkova CMMC Cologne
Korotkova, Tatiana – Prof. Dr.

Institute of Vegetative Physiology

+49 221 47 26253

CMMC Cologne
Köser, Angelika

Member of Paul Brinkkötter´s Research Group - B 01

+49 221 478 96978

Bettina Kranz CMMC Cologne
Kranz, Bettina

Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 89536

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Thomas Krieg CMMC Cologne
Krieg, Thomas – Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c.

Translational Matrix Biology

+49 221 478 4501

Prof. Dr. Martin Krönke CMMC Cologne
Krönke, Martin – Prof. Dr.

Institute for Med. Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene

0221 478-15082

Prof. Dr. Marcus Krüger CMMC Cologne
Krüger, Marcus – Prof. Dr.

Institute for Genetics | CECAD Research Center

+49 221 478 84140

Dr. Jan-Wilm Lackmann CMMC Cologne
Lackmann, Jan-Wilm – Dr.

CECAD Research Building

+49 221 478 84013

Prof. Dr. Thomas Langmann CMMC Cologne
Langmann, Thomas – Prof. Dr.

Department of General Ophthalmology | Lab. for Experimental Immunology of the Eye

+49 221 478 7324

CMMC Cologne
Lehmann, Jonas

Member of the Hans Schlößer's Research Group - CAP 12

+49 221 478 89612

Dr. Orsolya Leidecker CMMC Cologne
Leidecker, Orsolya – Dr.

Institute of Genetics | CECAD Research Center

+49 221 470 1137

Prof. Dr. Marius Lemberg CMMC Cologne
Lemberg, Marius – Prof. Dr.

Center for Biochemistry

+49 221 478 77288

Dr. Gianmaria Liccardi CMMC Cologne
Liccardi, Gianmaria – Dr.

Center for Biochemistry

+49 221 478 81965

Prof. Dr. Max C Liebau CMMC Cologne
Liebau, Max C – Prof. Dr.

Department of Pediatrics and Center for Family Health

+49 221 478-4319

Robin Lippel CMMC Cologne
Lippel, Robin

Member of Débora B Trentini Schmidt´s Research Group - assoc. JRG 05

+49 221 478 89658

CMMC Cologne
Lisewski, Ina

Member of Alessandro Annibaldi´s Research Group - JRG 12

+49 221 478-96969

Prof. Dr. Esther Mahabir-Brenner CMMC Cologne
Mahabir-Brenner, Esther – Prof. Dr.


+49 221 478 89540

Prof. Dr. Berenike Maier CMMC Cologne
Maier, Berenike – Prof. Dr.

Institute for Biological Physics | Center for Molecular Biosciences

+49 221 470 8046

Mohamed Majjouti CMMC Cologne
Majjouti, Mohamed

Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne | RG Comparative Medicine | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 89790

PD Dr. Hajar Maleki CMMC Cologne
Maleki, Hajar – PD Dr.

Institute of Inorganic Chemistry

CMMC Cologne
Mallmann, Christoph

Member of the Hans Schlößer's Research Group - CAP 12

+49 221 478 6878

Alina Manu CMMC Cologne
Manu, Alina

Member of the Hans Schlößer's Research Group - CAP 12

+49 221 478 89518

Prof. Dr. Dr. Cornelia Mauch CMMC Cologne
Mauch, Cornelia – Prof. Dr. Dr.


+49 221 478 86194

PD Dr. Lydia Meder CMMC Cologne
Meder, Lydia – PD Dr.

MSSO & Clinic I of Internal Medicine

+49 221 478 96815

CMMC Cologne
Mellinghoff, Sibylle – Dr.

Member of the Hans Schlößer's Research Group - CAP 12

+49 221 478 89612

Dr. Andrea Merseburg CMMC Cologne
Merseburg, Andrea – Dr.

Institute for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience

+49 221 478 32735

PD Dr. Martin Mollenhauer CMMC Cologne
Mollenhauer, Martin – PD Dr.

Department III of Internal Medicine

+49 221 478 87402

Dr. Elisa Motori CMMC Cologne
Motori, Elisa – Dr.

Institute of Biochemistry

+49 221 470 76056

Prof. Dr. Roman-Ulrich Müller CMMC Cologne
Müller, Roman-Ulrich – Prof. Dr.

Medical Faculty, University of Cologne (UoC)

+49 221 478 89033

Dr. Stefan Müller CMMC Cologne
Müller, Stefan – Dr.

CMMC | CECAD Research Building

+49 221 478 89520

CMMC Cologne
Naji, Hussein

Member of Katarzyna Bozek´s Research Group - assoc. JRG 04

+49 221 478 89529

Melanie Nelles CMMC Cologne
Nelles, Melanie

Member of Catherin Niemann´s Research Group - assoc. RG 14

+49 221 478 89500

Prof. Dr. Christoph Neumann-Haefelin CMMC Cologne
Neumann-Haefelin, Christoph – Prof. Dr.

Department for Gastroenterology and Hepatology

+49 221 478-4470

Dr. Phuong-Hien Nguyen CMMC Cologne
Nguyen, Phuong-Hien – Dr.

Department I for Internal Medicine

+49 221 478 84120

Duc Nguyen Minh CMMC Cologne
Nguyen Minh, Duc

Member of Paul Brinkkötter´s Research Group - B 01

+49 221 478 89671

PD Dr. Catherin Niemann CMMC Cologne
Niemann, Catherin – PD Dr.

CMMC | Institute of Biochemistry | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 89511

CMMC Cologne
Nies, Jasper – Dr.

Member of Paul Brinkkötter´s Research Group - B 01

+49 221 478 89517

Prof. Dr. Carien M Niessen CMMC Cologne
Niessen, Carien M – Prof. Dr.

Department of Cell Biology of the Skin | CECAD Research Center

+49 221 478 89512

Dr. Maria Notara CMMC Cologne
Notara, Maria – Dr.

Department of General Ophthalmology

+49 221 478 30621

Dr. Julian Nüchel CMMC Cologne
Nüchel, Julian – Dr.

Center for Biochemistry

CMMC Cologne
Oberhäuser, Frank

Member of Stephan Rosenkranz´s Research Group - assoc. RG 19

+49 221 478 89599

Prof. Dr. Margarete Odenthal CMMC Cologne
Odenthal, Margarete – Prof. Dr.

Institute for General Pathology and Pathological Anatomy

+49 221 478 6367

Johanna Odenthal CMMC Cologne
Odenthal, Johanna

Member of Paul Brinkkötter´s Research Group - B 01

+49 221 478 89593

Dr. Cem Özel CMMC Cologne
Özel, Cem – Dr.

Member of Paul Brinkkötter´s Research Group - B 01

+49 221 478 96978

Prof. Dr. Christian P Pallasch CMMC Cologne
Pallasch, Christian P – Prof. Dr.

Department I of Internal Medicine

+49 221 478 42884

Prof. Dr. Manolis Pasparakis CMMC Cologne
Pasparakis, Manolis – Prof. Dr.

Institute for Genetics | CECAD Research Center

+49 221 478 84351

Prof. Dr. Mats Paulsson CMMC Cologne
Paulsson, Mats – Prof. Dr.

Center for Biochemistry

+49 221 478 6997

Egor Pavlenko CMMC Cologne
Pavlenko, Egor

Member of Simon Pöpsel´s Research Group - JRG 11

+49 221 478 89663

Prof. Dr. Martin Peifer CMMC Cologne
Peifer, Martin – Prof. Dr.

Department for Translational Genomics | CMMC Research Center

+49 221 478 96863

Dr. Nieves Peltzer CMMC Cologne
Peltzer, Nieves – Dr.

Department of Translational Genomics | CMMC | CECAD Research Center

+49 221 478 84083

Dennis W. Peperle CMMC Cologne
Peperle, Dennis W.

Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne

+49 221 478 89537

Prof. Dr. Kurt P Pfannkuche CMMC Cologne
Pfannkuche, Kurt P – Prof. Dr.

Center for Physiology and Pathophysiology

+49 221 478 6968

Dr. Valentina Piano CMMC Cologne
Piano, Valentina – Dr.

Institute of Human Genetics | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 89523

Priscilla Piccirillo CMMC Cologne
Piccirillo, Priscilla

Member of Robert Hänsel-Hertsch´s Research Group - JRG 10

+ 49 221 478 89598

CMMC Cologne
Pisula, Juan

Member of Katarzyna Bozek´s Research Group - assoc. JRG 04

+49 221 478 89529

Dr. Simon Pöpsel CMMC Cologne
Pöpsel, Simon – Dr.

CMMC | Lab. of Chromatin Biochemistry | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 96987

Dr. Gunter Rappl CMMC Cologne
Rappl, Gunter – Dr.

Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne | Cell Sorting Facility

+49 221 478 89850

Dr. Rocio Rebollido-Rios CMMC Cologne
Rebollido-Rios, Rocio – Dr.

Clinic I for Internal Medicine

Juliane Renn CMMC Cologne
Renn, Juliane

Member of Simon Pöpsel´s Research Group - JRG 11

+49 221 478 89663

CMMC Cologne
Reusch, Björn

Member of Bodo Beck´s Research Group - assoc. RG 03

+49 221 478 89558

CMMC Cologne
Rose, France – Dr.

Member of Katarzyna Bozek´s Research Group - assoc. JRG 04

+49 221 478 89529

Prof. Dr. Stephan Rosenkranz CMMC Cologne
Rosenkranz, Stephan – Prof. Dr.

Department III of Internal Medicine - CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 32356

Prof. Dr. Elena I Rugarli CMMC Cologne
Rugarli, Elena I – Prof. Dr.

Institute for Genetics | CECAD Research Center

+49 221 478 84244

Prof. Dr. Dr. Jan Rybniker CMMC Cologne
Rybniker, Jan – Prof. Dr. Dr.

Department I of Internal Medicine | Translational Research Unit | Infectious Diseases (TRU-ID)

+49 221 478-89611

CMMC Cologne
Sancéré, Lucas

Member of Katarzyna Bozek´s Research Group - assoc. JRG 04

Deniz Pinar Savcigil CMMC Cologne
Savcigil, Deniz Pinar

Member of Alessandro Annibaldi´s Research Group - JRG 12

+49 221 478-89689

Prof. Dr. Anne Schaefer CMMC Cologne
Schaefer, Anne – Prof. Dr.

Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing

+49 221 37970-702

Dr. Astrid Schauss CMMC Cologne
Schauss, Astrid – Dr.

CECAD Cologne / Imaging Facility

+49 221 478 840 27

CMMC Cologne
Schenk, Sara

Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne | Animal Facility | RG Comparative Medicine | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 89886

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schermer CMMC Cologne
Schermer, Bernhard – Prof. Dr.

Department II of Internal Medicine

+49 221 478 89030

Peter Schettina CMMC Cologne
Schettina, Peter

Member of Catherin Niemann´s Research Group - assoc. RG 14

+49 221 478 89500

Dr. Alvise Schiavinato CMMC Cologne
Schiavinato, Alvise – Dr.

Center for Biochemistry

0221 478 6990

Prof. Dr. Hans A Schlößer CMMC Cologne
Schlößer, Hans A – Prof. Dr.

CMMC | Department of General, Visceral, Tumor and Transplantation Surgery | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 89612

Prof. Dr. Dr. Philipp Schommers CMMC Cologne
Schommers, Philipp – Prof. Dr. Dr.

Department I of Internal Medicine

+49 221 478 89659

Prof. Dr. Björn Schumacher CMMC Cologne
Schumacher, Björn – Prof. Dr.

Institute for Genome Stability in Ageing and Disease | CECAD Research Center

+49 221 478 84202

Prof. Dr. Günter Schwarz CMMC Cologne
Schwarz, Günter – Prof. Dr.

+49 221 470 6440

Prof. Dr. Dr. Michal-Ruth Schweiger CMMC Cologne
Schweiger, Michal-Ruth – Prof. Dr. Dr.

Institute for Translational Epigenetics

+49 221 478 96846

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Sengle CMMC Cologne
Sengle, Gerhard – Prof. Dr.

Department for Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine

+49 221 478 97260

German Sergei CMMC Cologne
Sergei, German

Member of Katarzyna Bozek´s Research Group - assoc. JRG 04

+49 221 478 89529

CMMC Cologne
Siepmann, Klara

Member of the Hans Schlößer's Research Group - CAP 12

+49 221 478 89518

CMMC Cologne
Sierra Gonzales, Claudio

Member of Sebastian Brähler´s Career Advancement Group Group - CAP 17

Dominik Simanowski CMMC Cologne
Simanowski, Dominik

Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 96979

Dr. Alexander Simonis CMMC Cologne
Simonis, Alexander – Dr.

Department I of Internal Medicine

+49 221 478 15322

Dr. Francesca Solagna CMMC Cologne
Solagna, Francesca – Dr.

CECAD Research Building

Christian Sommereisen CMMC Cologne
Sommereisen, Christian

Member of Simon Pöpsel´s Research Group - JRG 11

+49 221 478 89663

CMMC Cologne
Soriano Campos, Jorge

Member of Brunhilde Wirth´s Research Group - C 18

Prof. Dr. Dr. Dres. h.c. Wilhelm Stoffel CMMC Cologne
Stoffel, Wilhelm – Prof. Dr. Dr. Dres. h.c.

Center for Biochemistry | Lab. of Molecular Neuroscience

+49 221 478 6881

Prof. Dr. Renata Stripecke CMMC Cologne
Stripecke, Renata – Prof. Dr.

Department I of Internal Medicine | Institute of Translational Immune-Oncology | Chair of Translational Immune-Oncology

+49 221 478 51457

Ricarda Stumpf CMMC Cologne
Stumpf, Ricarda

Member of Florian Klein´s Research Group - assoc. RG 10

+49 221 478 42912

CMMC Cologne
Thelen, Martin

Member of the Hans Schlößer's Research Group - CAP 12

+49 221 478 89612

Dr. Sebastian Theobald CMMC Cologne
Theobald, Sebastian – Dr.

Department I of Internal Medicine

0221 478 89037

Prof. Dr. Roman Thomas CMMC Cologne
Thomas, Roman – Prof. Dr.

Department of Translational Genomics

+49 221 478 98777

CMMC Cologne
Tjiang, Noah

Member of Hans Zempel´s Research Group

Dr. Débora B Trentini Schmidt CMMC Cologne
Trentini Schmidt, Débora B – Dr.

CMMC | Lab. of Protein Quality Control and Stress Response

+49 221 478 42566

Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Trifunovic CMMC Cologne
Trifunovic, Aleksandra – Prof. Dr.

Institute for Mitochondrial Diseases and Ageing | CECAD Research Center

+49 221 478 84291

Bastian Trinsch CMMC Cologne
Trinsch, Bastian

Member of Paul Brinkkötter´s Research Group - B 01

+49 221 478 89671

Dr. Maike Trommer CMMC Cologne
Trommer, Maike – Dr.

Member of the Jan Herter´s Research Group - CAP 13

+49 221 478 96955

CMMC Cologne
Ugliano, Stefano

Member of Katarzyna Bozek´s Research Group - assoc. JRG 04

+49 221 478 89529

Prof. Dr. Dr. Roland T. Ullrich CMMC Cologne
Ullrich, Roland T. – Prof. Dr. Dr.

Department I of Internal Medicine | CMMC Research Center

+49 221 478 89771

Prof. Dr. Olaf Utermöhlen CMMC Cologne
Utermöhlen, Olaf – Prof. Dr.

Institute for Med. Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene

+49 221 478 32023

CMMC Cologne
Vanshylla, Kanika – Dr.

Member of Florian Klein´s Research Group - assoc. RG 10

+49 221 478 89687

Dr. Marius Vantler CMMC Cologne
Vantler, Marius – Dr.

Department III of Internal Medicine | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 97255

Prof. Dr. David Vilchez CMMC Cologne
Vilchez, David – Prof. Dr.

CECAD Research Center

+49 221 478 84172

Prof. Dr. Johannes Vogt CMMC Cologne
Vogt, Johannes – Prof. Dr.

Department of Molecular and Translational Neurosciences | Institute II of Anatomy

+49 221-478 5209

CMMC Cologne
Volkmar, Pauline

Member of the Hans Schlößer's Research Group - CAP 12

+49 221 478 89518

Prof. Dr. Silvia von Karstedt CMMC Cologne
von Karstedt, Silvia – Prof. Dr.

Department of Translational Genomics | CECAD Research Center

+49 221 478 84340

Prof. Dr. Esther von Stebut-Borschitz CMMC Cologne
von Stebut-Borschitz, Esther – Prof. Dr.

Clinic and Polyclinic of Dermatology and Venereology

+49 221 478 4500

CMMC Cologne
Weber, Timm – Dr.

Member of Florian Klein´s Research Group - assoc. RG 10

+49 221 478 36817

CMMC Cologne
Wennhold, Kerstin – Dr.

Member of the Hans Schlößer's Research Group - CAP 12

+49 221 478 89612

Prof. Dr. Holger Winkels CMMC Cologne
Winkels, Holger – Prof. Dr.

Department III of Internal Medicine | Experimental Cardiology

+49 221 478 40897

Angelika Winterscheid CMMC Cologne
Winterscheid, Angelika

Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 89526

Prof. Dr. Brunhilde Wirth CMMC Cologne
Wirth, Brunhilde – Prof. Dr.

Institute of Human Genetics | CMMC Research Building

+49 221 478 86464

Prof. Dr. Andreas Wodarz CMMC Cologne
Wodarz, Andreas – Prof. Dr.

Institute I of Anatomy| RG Molecular Cell Biology

0221 478 82880

Dr. Anne Wolf CMMC Cologne
Wolf, Anne – Dr.

Department of Ophthalmology

0221 478 8492

Prof. Dr. Thomas Wunderlich CMMC Cologne
Wunderlich, Thomas – Prof. Dr.

Department for Endocrinology, Diabetology and Preventive Medicine | Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research

+49 221 478 26678

Dr. Dr. Hans Zempel CMMC Cologne
Zempel, Hans – Dr. Dr.

Institute of Human Genetics

+49 221 478 86612

Sebastian Zetzsche CMMC Cologne
Zetzsche, Sebastian

Member of Brunhilde Wirth´s Research Group - C 18

+49 221 478 89553

Dr. Mario Zierden CMMC Cologne
Zierden, Mario – Dr.

Member of Stephan Rosenkranz´s Research Group - C 13

+49 221 478 89595

Linda Zirden CMMC Cologne
Zirden, Linda

Member of Simon Pöpsel´s Research Group - JRG 11

+49 221 478 89663

CMMC Cologne
Zrilić, Matea

Member of Alessandro Annibaldi´s Research Group - JRG 12

+49 221 478-89689