CMMC Scientific Environment

Home Institutions of CMMC Members

Affiliated Institutions of CMMC members

Externally Supported Research Activities

CMMC members acting as chair and/or Principal Investigators

CRC 1607 - Towards immunomodulatory and anti(lymph-angiogenic therapies for age-related blinding eye diseases I since 2024 - Medical Faculty
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Claus Cursiefen - Dept. of General Ophthalmology

CRC 1530 - Elucidation and targeting of pathogenic mechanisms in B cell malignancies I since 2022 - Medical Faculty
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Michael Hallek  - Dept. I for Internal Medicine and Center for Integrated Oncology

CRC 1451 - Key mechanism of motor control in health and disease | since 2021 - Medical Faculty
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Gereon Fink - Dept. of Neurology
Vice Speakers: Prof. Dr. Christian Grefkes-Hermann - Dept. of Neurology | Prof. Dr. Silvia Daun - Forschungszentrum Jülich

CRC 1403 - Cell Death in Immunity, Inflammation and Disease | since 2020 - Science Faculty
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Manolis Pasparakis - Institute for Genetics and CECAD Cologne
Vice-Speaker: Prof. Dr. Hamid Kashkar - Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene

CRC 1399 - Mechanisms of drug sensitivity and resistance in small cell bronchial carcinoma | since 2019 - Medical Faculty
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Roman Thomas - Institute for Translational Genomics

Transregional CRC 259 - Aortic Diseases 
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Georg Nickenig of the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn I since 2019
Vice-Speaker:Prof. Dr. Stephan Baldus from the Medical Faculty of Cologne, who works at the Heart Center of the University Hospital of Cologne.

CRC 1310 - Predictability in Evolution | since 2018 - Science Faculty
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Michael Lässig - Institute for Theoretical Physics

CRC 1218 - Mitochondrial regulation of cellular function
| since 2016 - Science Faculty
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Elena Rugarli - Institute for Genetics and CECAD Cologne
Vice-Speaker: Prof. Dr. Aleksandra Trifunovic - Institute for Mitochondrial Diseases and Ageing

former DFG Collaborative Research Center

CRC 829 - Molecular mechanisms regulating skin homeostasis | 2009 - 2020 - Medical Faculty
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Caren Niessen - Dept. of Dermatology | CECAD Cologne
Vice-Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Krieg - Laboratory of Translational Matrix Biology

CRC 670 Cell-autonomous immunity | 2006-2018 - Medicla Faculty
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Martin Krönke - Insitute of Medical Microbiology,Immunology and Hygiene

Research Unit 2240 - (Lymph)Angiogenesis and cellular immunity in the inflammatory disease of the eye I since 2015
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Claus Cursiefen - Dept. of Ophthalmology
Vice-Speaker: Prof. Dr. Thomas Langmann - Dept. of Ophthalmology

Research Unit 2722 - Novel molecular for musculoskeletal extracellular matrix homeostasis - a systematic approach I since 2018
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Bent Brachvogel - Dept. of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine

CRU 329 - Disease pathways in podocyte injury - from molecular mechanisms to individualized treatment options I since 2018
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Thomas Benzing - Dept. II of Internal Medicine
Scienctific Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Paul Brinkkötter - Dept. II of Internal Medicine

CRU 5504 - Physiological causes and consequences of genome instabilityI since 2023
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Björn Schumacher - Institute for Genome Stability in Aging and Disease

former CRU

CRU 2251 - The function of AdeRS and EsvA in the multidrug resistance of Actinobacter baumannii | 2014 - 2023
research project: Dr. Paul Higgins, University Hospital Cologne - Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene

CRU 286 - Exploiting defects in the DNA damage response for the development of novel, targeted CLL therapy I 2013 - 2021
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Michael Hallek - Dept. I of Internal Medicine | CIO Cologne
Scientific Coordinator: Prof. Dr. H. Christian Reinhardt - Dept. I of Internal Medicine