Public outreach

The CMMC sees the importance to strengthen the relationship between biomedical research and society. Therefore, over the past several years the CMMC has become increasingly engaged in providing and supporting activities related to education and public outreach (EPO) aimed at pupils of different ages and adults.

The CMMC arranges school lectures on specific topics upon request and invites school classes to workshops. The CMMC is also involved in the KölnerKinderUni, and for example at the Girls' and Boys' Day of the University of Cologne and the University Hospital.

In addition, the CMMC regularly invites the public to the info-event “Molecular Medicine - Research for Health” to promote public awareness and understanding of science.

Skin cancer prevention project “Die Sonne und Wir – Projekt Sonnenbus” 

Overview of selected CMMC EPO activities


Dr. Debora Grosskopf-Kroiher
Dr. Debora Grosskopf-Kroiher

Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne | CMMC Research Building

Managing Director | Scientific Coordinator
Head - Skin Cancer Prev. Project - PP 1

Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne | CMMC Research Building

Robert-Koch-Str. 21

50931 Cologne