
The CMMC offers a variety of seminars and workshops for scientific exchange and education. The seminars, workshops as well as the conferences are open to staff from all departments and institutes of the Life Science Campus at the University of Cologne, the University Hospital and research institutions in and outside Cologne (e.g. Max-Planck-Institutes, Research Centre Jülich) as well as other universities.

The CMMC is also open to offers from biotechnological companies, and provides space for their presentations of novel technologies, often in combination with a seminar or hands-on training on novel equipment.

Seminars and Lectures

To date, the CMMC is organizing and participating in the following seminar series:

  • CCRC Seminar Series (jointly organized with the Heart Center Cologne and the CCRC Program)
  • CMMC Seminar Series
  • KFO329 / CMMC Seminar Series
  • REsearch InSIghts "RESI" Seminar Series
  • Mol-Med Lecture Series
  • CMMC Novel Technologies Series

An overview of the CMMC-related seminars is summarized here.

The Life Science Calendar provides an overview of the seminars offered by the different institutions at the Life Science Campus Cologne, please visit

Ernst Klenk Symposia in Molecular Medicine

Since 2006, each year the CMMC organizes the international symposium “Ernst Klenk Symposium in Molecular Medicine”, which has become highly instrumental in the exchange of scientific information, expertise and ideas, often leading to the initiation of new cooperations. The annual Ernst Klenk Symposium is the premier biomedical science meeting of the University of Cologne that attracts scientists, physicians and particularly students from universities and research institutions from all over Germany and the neighboring countries.

35th Ernst Klenk Symposium
Rare Diseases: From mechanisms to therapy and beyond
Sept. 15 - 17, 2019 in Cologne, Germany

Further information: Ernst Klenk Symposium 2019

Overview of the past Klenk Symposia: here

Conferences and Workshops

The CMMC has a long tradition in organizing conferences and workshops.
For example:

11th ORPHEUS Conference
Lost in translation? From medical studies to clinical research
March 10 - 12, 2016 - Cologne, Germany

2014 and 2013
Life Science Research "Aktionstage" (LSR)
October 16, 2014
November 26 - 27, 2013
Cologne, Germany

CMMC Annual Retreat

Each year the CMMC provides an opportunity to go off-site for 1.5 days in order to focus on CMMC research, to learn more about the Center´s progress and to discuss the Center´s development.
