Tissue Embedding & Histology - In House Service

The Tissue Embedding and Histology Unit (TEHU) offers a full service in paraffin infiltration of tissues, tissue embedding, as well as hands-on training for users of the equipment, including the rotary microtome and cryostat. We also offer tissue sectioning from paraffin-embedded samples on request. This service is offered to all research groups of the CMMC as well as other researchers on the campus of the University of Cologne.

A first introduction and training session in tissue sectioning (frozen or paraffin) is mandatory for new users to assure proper handling of the service equipment. Further, to guarantee an efficient operation of this histological unit, all users are asked to follow the guidelines and protocols.

Dear TEHU users,

Keeping in mind the current SARS-CoV-2 regulations we implemented the following additional safety measurements for all TEHU users.
Booking of Equipment

  • To comply with the specific distance rules, currently only one cryostat can be booked and used.
  • Online booking is mandatory and you are allowed to use the equipment only for the session time booked by you.
  • Before using the TIM and paraffin embedding equipment you need to contact Mrs. Melanie Nelles to coordinate the work done within the facility.
  • You will be given a time slot for embedding your tissues by Mrs. Nelles to limit room occupancy.
  • Please stick to your bookings and provided time slots to allow Mrs. Nelles and your colleagues to work as efficient as possible.
  • We do not provide TEHU introductions and training until further notice.

Additional TEHU safety and hygiene measurements

  • Contact Mrs. Melanie Nelles (melanie.nelles[at]uk-koeln.de) before using TIM, microtomes and embedding equipment for introduction into safety regulations and for coordinating TEHU work for your own safety.
  • We strongly recommend using a mask and gloves during your work.
  • Use disinfectant provided by TEHU (antiviral, alcohol based) to clean surfaces of equipment/handles/knobs before and after using the equipment.

Thank you for your understanding.
Please contact Mrs. Melanie Nelles for any further questions or requests.
Stay safe and healthy!
Kind regards,
Melanie Nelles and Catherin Niemann


PD Dr. Catherin Niemann
PD Dr. Catherin Niemann

CMMC Cologne | Institute of Biochemistry | CMMC Research Building

CMMC - PI - assoc. RG 14
IPMM Program - Scientific Coordinator I CMMC Tissue Embedding and Histology & Microscopy - Head

CMMC Cologne | Institute of Biochemistry | CMMC Research Building

Robert-Koch-Str. 21

50931 Cologne


Melanie Nelles
Melanie Nelles

Member of Catherin Niemann´s Research Group - assoc. RG 14


Member of Catherin Niemann´s Research Group - assoc. RG 14

CMMC Research Building University of Cologne Robert-Koch-Str. 21

50931 Cologne
