Cell Sorting Facility

The CMMC Cell Sorting Facility is integrated into the Flow Cytometry Core Unit, which is part of the Central Core Facilities of the Medical Faculty at the University of Cologne. 

For further information, please visit the website of the Flow Cytometry Core Unit, which provides comprehensive information on the available techniques, sample submission procedures, and contact details. 

Please note

The Flow Cytometry Core (FCC) constitutes a central technology platform for cell sorting and analysis on the Research Campus of the University Hospital Cologne. The Facility supports all research groups of the Life Science Campus of the Medical and Natural Sciences Faculty of the University of Cologne independent of their group association or location. One major focus of the FCC lies on the scientific exchange as well as the support of research projects with state-of-the-art flow cytometric analyses.


Prof. Dr. Hamid Kashkar
Director Institute for Molecular Immunology 
Phone: +49 221 478-84091
Mail: hamid.kashkar[at]uk-koeln.de 

Dr. Marie-Christine Albert
Core Manager
Phone: +49 221 478-96508
Mail: marie-christine.albert[at]uk-koeln.de 




Prof. Dr. Hamid Kashkar
Prof. Dr. Hamid Kashkar

Institute for Molecular Immunology | CECAD Research Center

CMMC - PI - B 06
Head - Flow Cytometry Core Unit

Institute for Molecular Immunology | CECAD Research Center

Joseph-Stelzmann-Str. 26

50931 Cologne


Dr. Marie-Christine Albert
Dr. Marie-Christine Albert

Core Manager - Flow Cytometry Core Unit


Please be advised that the cell sorting service is currently unavailable.

If you have any questions regarding Aria III, Canto II, Hidex and OctoMACS, please contact Dr. Marie-Christine Albert marie-christine.albert[at]uk-koeln.de