Application and requirements


The program is open to students from Germany and abroad. Applicants should hold a medical degree equivalent to a German 2nd Staatsexamen or a life science degree comparable to a German university diploma or a Master of Science in biology, biochemistry, chemistry or related fields. Potential participants should have experience in and skills for experimental research.
The pre-requisite for enrollment into the IPMM is a funded PhD position and a research project that relates to molecular biomedical research in a research group within the CMMC, the Faculty of Medicine or the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. After being positively evaluated by the IPMM committee, doctoral candidates are then able to join the program. Please note, the IPMM does not provide scholarships.

Applications are accepted throughout the year.

Application to the IPMM

As soon as you start your PhD at the medical faculty of the University of Cologne please contact Christoph Aszyk stating your plan to apply for the IPMM.

Step 1: Application

A) Documents to hand in by the Doctoral Student

  1. IPMM Application Form
    Please fill in your personal information
    Including two academic references (names and contact data sufficient)

    (Optional) If you wish to obtain a recommendation for admission as Doctoral Student in the Math. Nat. Faculty (MNF) - in addition to the IPMM Application Form - please hand in this TAC Registration Form as well:

    Please be reminded: to be eligible to graduate as Dr.rer.nat. / apply for admission as Doctoral Student in the MNF, you need to follow these guidelines: 
  2. Letter of Interest
    Personal statement, describing why you are interested in participating in the IPMM or GSfBS Program, respectively, including your future scientific career goals
  3. Curriculum vitae
    • Personal data
    • Individual achievements (e.g. prizes, publications)
  4. Secondary school certificate
  5. University degree certificates and academic record
    • Proof of initial enrolment (‘Ersteinschreibung’) for Bachelor and Master studies (e.g. proof of matriculation from first semester, ‘Studienverlaufsbescheinigung’, etc.)
    • Bachelor’s degree certificate
    • Master’s degree/diploma certificate, academic record, abstract of thesis (1-2 pages) and (as extra pdf or hardcopy version) complete copy of thesis
    • (if applicable) Medical degree certificate, records of experimental research experience, if applicable an abstract and (as extra pdf or hardcopy version) a complete copy of the medical dissertation
  6. Doctoral project proposal (maximum 3 pages)
    Focused doctoral thesis proposal in the field of Molecular Medicine including
    • short introduction to the state of the field (background)
    • specific aim(s) of the project
    • working hypothesis
    • description of the experimental strategy
    • working and time plan
    • alternative plans for unforeseen obstacles (optional)
    • literature (as Appendix)
  7. Letter of recommendation from your supervisor
  8. Supervision agreement

Please send your application as one pdf document to Dr. Christoph Aszyk (Program Coordinator) via e-mail to christoph.aszyk[at]

B) Documents to hand in by the Supervisor of the Doctoral Student

The following documents only need to be submitted, if the Supervisor is not yet in charge of any IPMM doctoral student

  • CV and publication list
  • Overview of up to date research group composition: (Post Docs, doctoral students, technical assistants)
  • Overview of former doctoral students (name, title of research project, academic degree, research period)
  • Overview of third party funding

Please send your application as one pdf document to Dr. Christoph Aszyk (Program Coordinator) via e-mail to christoph.aszyk[at]

Step 2: Interview

Candidates fulfilling the formal requirements will be invited for an interview including an oral presentation conducted by the IPMM steering committee. Positively evaluated candidates are admitted into the program throughout the year.

Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Aszyk
Dr. rer. nat. Christoph Aszyk

Office of the Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs

Interdisciplinary Program Health Sciences (IPHS) Interdisciplinary Program Molecular Medicine (IPMM)

Office of the Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs

Joseph-Stelzmann-Straße 20

50931 Cologne


Mila Evers
Mila Evers

Office of the Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs

Interdisciplinary Program Health Sciences (IPHS) Interdisciplinary Program Molecular Medicine (IPMM)

Office of the Associate Dean for Scientific Affairs

Joseph-Stelzmann-Straße 20

50931 Cologne