Isbrandt, Dirk - assoc. RG 39

Prof. Dr. Dirk Isbrandt
Prof. Dr. Dirk Isbrandt

Institute for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience

CMMC - PI - assoc. RG 39

Institute for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience

Kerpener Str. 62

50937 Cologne


One focus of Dirk Isbrandt's research is on the investigation of molecular mechanisms underlying disease-associated changes in cellular excitability using transgenic mouse models. He specifically investigates the impact of disease-associated mutations on neuronal ion channels, which cause the so-called ion channel diseases ("channelopathies"). His research involves the identification and functional characterization of mutations in ion channel genes and the generation of corresponding mouse models. Using these transgenic mice, he studies the consequences of reversible functional inactivation or chronic loss of neuronal ion channels by employing a multidimensional strategy that is designed to correlate changes in hippocampal, cortical, and basal ganglia network activities, as well as synaptic plasticity with behavioral responses and cognitive functions. In addition, his research is aimed at testing pharmacological treatments to prevent, attenuate, or normalize the observed changes in network activity and cognitive performance.

Lab Website

For information about Prof. Isbrandt's research and work, please visit the following page: Isbrandt Lab