About us

The University of Cologne has a long-standing academic tradition and a world-wide reputation for top-level biomedical research. Since 2003, the Faculties of Medicine and of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Cologne offer an Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Molecular Medicine (IPMM). This IPMM is coordinated by the Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC). The IPMM is member of the Organization for PhD Education in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in the European System (Orpheus).

Based on Anglo-American models, the IPMM is aimed at outstanding research-oriented medical and life science graduates. The three-year PhD program reflects the increasing importance of interdisciplinarity and provides comprehensive research training in an atmosphere of scientific excellence.

The Curriculum of the Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program in Molecular Medicine

IPMM participants are enrolled in a 3-year experimental research project in the field of biomedicine. This research project is supplemented with an individually tailored study program of obligatory lectures and courses, guest seminars, progress reports, advanced method courses and workshops as well as scientific soft skills training.

The core study program lasts 2 years and consists of a minimum of 4 hours of lectures, seminars or practical courses per week.
Courses include current topics in biomedical research fields, e.g. molecular biology, cell biology, biochemistry, physiology, pathology, genetics, immunology, pharmacology, virology, microbiology, neurosciences as well as biophysics, structural biology and bioinformatics.

The research groups offering positions for IPMM participants are with the CMMC, the Faculties of Medicine and of Mathematics and Natural Sciences as well as in associated research institutions located in the BioRiver Region.

Individual Mentoring

Throughout the postgraduate training program IPMM participants are guided by their supervisor and two mentors.

These senior scientists together with an IPMM coordinator develop the individual postgraduate study program according to the particular needs and research interests of the participant.

This committee regularly monitors the progress of the research and advises on issues related to the project and the coursework.

The IPMM awards the academic degree Dr. nat. med.

After completion of the postgraduate course program and successful defense of the doctoral thesis the degree of "Doktor der Naturwissenschaftlichen Medizin" (Dr. nat. med.) is jointly conferred by the Faculties of Medicine and of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

The degree Dr. nat. med. is equivalent to the German Dr. rer. nat. and corresponds to an Anglo-American PhD, or for qualified physicians an Anglo-American MD-PhD.


The language of the IPMM is predominantly English. Although German is not required for participation, foreign graduates are offered German courses in the first 6 months after enrollment in the program. The thesis may be submitted in English or in German.

Who it suits

The Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Program Molecular Medicine(IPMM) at the University of Cologne is designed for highly qualified research-oriented medical and life science graduates wanting to participate in a postgraduate program in an atmosphere of scientific excellence.