Program and Poster Sessions

9.00 - 10.20 a.m.

Meeting of the CMMC Executive Board (for members of the EC Board only)

10.30 - 10.45 a.m.

Welcome Address - CMMC Annual Retreat 2024

Claus Cursiefen - Vice Rector for Research, University of Cologne

Thomas Benzing - Chair of the Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne

Brief introduction of the program

Robert Hänsel-Hertsch - Felix Hoyer - Hien Nguyen - Simon Pöpsel
The organizers of the scientific program - CMMC Annual Retreat 2024


Short Talks Session I

CMMC Research Area A: Mechanisms of tumor development: intrinsic and extrinsic control
of cell proliferation and tissue invasion
Chairs: Axel Hillmer and Hien Nguyen

10.45 - 11.00 a.m.

Genetic determinants of clinical outcome in neuroblastoma
Matthias Fischer
Department of Exp. Pediatric Oncology - Clinic of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine

11.00 - 11.15 a.m.

Overactive Akt and Notch signaling in MZ B cells causes liver cancer
F Thomas Wunderlich
Clinic for Endocrinology, Diabetology and Preventive Medicine & Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research

11.15 - 11.30 a.m. .

Targeting the necroptosis pathway in pancreatic cancer
Silvia von Karstedt
Department of Translational Genomics

11.30 - 11.45 a.m.

Nrf2 signaling: a decision between death and life
Reinhard Büttner and Vangelis Kondylis
Institute for General Pathology and Pathological Anatomy

11.45 - 12.00 p.m.

Long noncoding repetitive RNAs and their role in therapy resistance
Michal R Schweiger
Institute for Translational Epigenetics

12.00 - 1.30 p.m.
Lunch Break

Flash Talks Session I

Chairs -Simon Pöpsel and Debora Trentini Schmidt

1.30 - 2.30 p.m.

P 07 - Serum proteomics from the 3H-study suggests a role of complement activation for the lower risk of cardiovascular disease in hemodiafiltration patients over hemodialysis
Konstantin Bunte - member of the RG P Antczak

P 09 - Apoptotic keratinocytes regulate adipocyte lipolysis and dWAT dynamic during skin tissue regeneration
Deborah Delbue da Silva - member of the RG C Niemann

P 25 - Understanding the role of ribosome UFMylation in translation-arrested protein degradation
Schinya Ibrahim - member of the RG D Trentini

P 27 - AKR1C3 enhances radioresistance in esophageal adenocarcinoma cells via inhibiting ferroptosis
Feng Ju - member of the RG Y Zhao / C Bruns

P 31 - Regulation of cell death and inflammatory response through proteolytic events
Ina Lisewski - member of the RG A Annibaldi

P 35 - The mitotic surveillance pathway in stem cells
Charlotte Meyer-Gerards - member of the RG H Bazzi

P 37 - SARM1 deletion delays cerebellar but not spinal cord degeneration in an enhanced mouse model of SPG7 deficiency
Thibaut Molinie - member of the RG E Rugarli  

P 39 - Deciphering and modulating innate and adaptive immune crosstalk in SARS-CoV-2 vaccination
Julie Mudler - member of the RG J Rybniker

P 41 - OXPHOS deficiency causes activation of the immune system through increase in heme flux
Nidhi Nair - member of the RG A Trifunovic

P 45 - Activation of automethylated PRC2 by dimerization on chromatin
Egor Pavlenko - member of RG S Pöpsel

P 49 - Identification of therapeutic vulnerabilities of KEAP1-mutated lung adenocarcinoma
Marta Pistone - member of the RG A Hillmer

P 59 - Structural and functional characterization of the regulatory cascade controlling mitochondrial fission in mitosis
Hirak Naitik Tailor - member of the RG V Piano

P 61 - Investigating the potential regulatory effects of protein kinases Lyn and Csk in the tumor-supportive macrophages of non-small cell lung cancers
Thanh Tung Truong - member of the RG H Nguyen

P 67 - GDF15 as a potential target for overcoming cancer-associated fibroblast mediated treatment resistance in esophageal adenocarcinoma
Yue Zhao - head of the RG Y Zhao / C Bruns

2.30 - 4.15 p.m.        Poster Session I

Short Talk Session II

Chair - Thomas Benzing

4.15 - 4.30 p.m.

Cell death regulation during tissue repair
Alessandro Annibaldi 
Center for Molecuar Medicine Cologne

4.30 - 4.45 p.m.

Unraveling the complex mechanisms of polycomb regulation
Simon Pöpsel
Center for Molecuar Medicine Cologne

4.45 - 5.00 p.m.

Accelerated progerin-driven aging causes G-quadruplex DNA breakage
Robert Hänsel-Hertsch
Center for Molecuar Medicine Cologne

5.00 - 5.30 p.m.

Coffee Break

CMMC Key Note Lecture

5.30 - 6.30 p.m.

The value of population studies for translational research
Anna Köttgen
Institute of Genetic Epidemiology - Medical Center, University Freiburg

Moderator Hien Ngyuen - Clinic I of Internal Medicine

7.00 p.m.

CMMC Dinner

9.00 - 10.30 a.m.

Short Talk Session III & General Assembly

CMMC Research Areas B: Principles of immunity, inflammation and infection
Chairs: Nieves Peltzer and Robert Hänsel-Hertsch

9.00 - 9.15 a.m.

Targeting the immune checkpoint molecule BTLA in glomerulonephritis
Bastian Trinsch I Sebastian Brähler I Paul Brinkkötter
Clinic II for Internal Medicine

9.15 - 9.30 a.m.

Antigenic variation impacts gonococcal lifestyle and antibiotic tolerance by modulating interbacterial forces 
Berenike Maier1I Paul Higgins2
Institute for Biological Physics1and Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene2

9.30 - 9.45 a.m.

Retinal microglia and their immunological effects in AAV-based ocular gene therapy
Thomas Langmann1 I Anne Wolf2
Lab. for Experimental Immunology of the Eye - Clinic of General Ophthalmology -

9.45 - 10.15 a.m.

CMMC Report I General Assembly
Thomas Benzing
Chair - Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne

10.15 - 10.30  a.m.

Coffee Break

Poster Flash Talk Session II

CMMC Junior Research Groups
Chairs - Simon Pöpsel and Debroa Trentini Schmidt

10.30 - 11.15 a.m.

P 02 - Methylation pattern association with epigenetic signature of Peripartum Depression
Khawla Abualia - member of the RG P Antczak

P 04 - Identifying key clinical and molecular characteristics predictive of ADPKD progression
Samer Alkarkoukly - member of the RG P Antczak

P 20 - Multifunctional 3D printed biomimetic theragenerative scaffold with anti-bacterial, anti-osteosarcoma and osteoinductive properties
Yan Demidov - member of the RG H Maleki

P 22 - I’m still standing: Exploring ribosome stalling in protein quality control at the ER
Tom Eisenack - member of the RG D Trentini

P 30 - Physiological causes of genome instability in aging: Identification and evaluation of G-loop-binding proteins
Anna E Koch - member of the RG R Hänsel-Hertsch

P 42 - Understanding the Regulation of T Cell Immunity in B Cell Lymphoma
Mila Lobastova - member of the RG H Nguyen

P 48 - The mt-mRNA-stabilizing protein LRPPRC regulates mitochondrial structure and function in skeletal muscle
Tang C P Pham - member of the RG R Wiesner

P 56 - Uncovering the mechanisms regulating mitochondrial dynamics during cell division
Sebastian Voß - member of the RG V Piano

CMMC Information
D Grosskopf-Kroiher - Claudia Herr - Simon Pöpsel

11.15 - 1.15 p.m.
Poster Session II with Fingerfood

1.15 - 2.15 p.m.
Short Talk Session IV

CMMC Research Area C: Molecular mechanisms and metabolic control of tissue degeneration and regeneration
Chair: Mauro Corrado and Simon Pöpsel

1.15 - 1.30 p.m.

Mechanochemical control of skin stem cell dynamics in health and disease
Matthias Rübsam I Carien M Niessen
Department Cell Biology of the Skin

1.30 - 1.45 p.m.

Deciphering the pathomechanisms underlying spine deformities and intervertebral disc degeneration upon disrupted lipid anabolism in cells of the Nucleus pulposus 
Hans-Martin Pogoda I Matthias Hammerschmidt
Dev. Biology - Institute of Zoology, Biocenter Cologne

1.45 - 2.00 p.m.

Treatments for ultra-rare metabolic disorders: a blessing and a curse
Guenter Schwarz
Institute for Biochemistry - Department Chemistry

2.00 - 2.15 p.m.

Regulation of neuronal activity, cognitive and social functions by microglia in health and pathology
Tatiana Korotkova1I Anne Schaefer2 
Institute for Vegetative Physiology1 I Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing2

2.15 - 2.30 p.m.

Final discussion and flash talk & poster prize awards

Overview of the poster presenter(s) and poster title (Flash Talks indicated with FT)

P 01 - Effects of P301L-TAU on post-translational modifications of microtubules in human iPSC-derived cortical neurons and TAU transgenic mice
Al Kabbani, Aghyad - Member of RG H Zempel

P 03 - Exploring the utility of serum proteomics for outcome prediction of autosomal polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD)
Aydogan Balaban, Hande Ö - Member of the RG P Antczak

P 05 - Investigating spine abnormalities and intervertebral disc degeneration in a new teleost model lacking functional fatty-acid-synthase
Bassett, Fiona - Member of the RG M Hammerschmidt

P 07 & FT - Serum proteomics from the 3H-study suggests a role of complement activation for the lower risk of cardiovascular disease in Hemodiafiltration patients over Hemodialysis
Bunte, Konstantin - Member of the RG P Antczak

P 09 & FT - Apoptotic keratinocytes regulate adipocyte lipolysis and dWAT dynamic during skin tissue regeneration
Delbue da Silva, Deborah - Member of the RG C Niemann

P 11 - Stabilized analogues of Z-RNA and their interaction with Z-nucleic acid binding immune response proteins
Dicke, Finn - Member of the RG S Kath-Schorr

P 13 - The role of cytosolic phospholipase A 2 α in modulation of ferroptosis sensitivity
Edenhofer, Anna - Member of the RG S Karstedt

P 15 - The regulation of the lncRNA HSATIII during heat shock in Huntington's disease models
Fahad, Dewan Al - Member of the RG M R Schweiger

P 17 - Multi-effector cell targeting using bispecific single-chain variable fragments for B Cell Lymphoma
Freihammer, Max - Member of the RG S Borchmann

P 19 - Role of synaptic lipid-modulated cortical excitability in motor control - Importance for brain disorders
Götz, Jan - Member of the RG J Vogt

P 21 - Retinal microglia and their immunological effects in AAV-based ocular gene therapy
Gröger, Anna - Member of the RG T Langmann

P 23 - Linear ubiquitination in metabolic inflammation
Hyoubi, Armel - Member of the RG N Peltzer

P 25 & FT - Understanding the role of ribosome UFMylation in translation-arrested protein degradation
Ibrahim, Schinya - Member of the RG Trentini Schmidt

P 27 - AKR1C3 enhances radioresistance in esophageal adenocarcinoma cells via inhibiting ferroptosis
Ju, Feng - Member of the RG C Bruns

P 29 - Functional role of tumor-specific B-cells and tertiary-lymphoid structures in preclinical models of immune checkpoint therapy
Lehmann, Jonas - Member of the RG H Schlößer

P 31 & FT - Regulation of cell death and inflammatory response through proteolytic events
Lisewski, Ina - Member of the RG A Annibaldi

P 33 - Cytokine profiling in health and diseases
Mahabir-Brenner, Esther - PI

P 35 & FT - The mitotic surveillance pathway in stem cells
Meyer-Gerards, Charlotte - Member of the RG H Bazzi

P 37 & FT - SARM1 deletion delays cerebellar but not spinal cord degeneration in an enhanced mouse model of SPG7 deficiency
Molinie, Thibaut - Member of the RG E Rugarli

P 39 & FT - Deciphering and modulating innate and adaptive immune crosstalk in SARS-CoV-2 vaccination
Mudler, Julie - Member of the RG J Rybniker

P 41 & FT - OXPHOS deficiency causes activation of the immune system through increase in heme flux
Nair, Nidhi - Member of the RG A Trifunovic

P 43 - Transcript quality effects of RNAPII speed variation
Papadakis, Antonios - Member of the RG A Beyer

P 45 & FT- Activation of automethylated PRC2 by dimerization on chromatin
Pavlenko, Egor - Member of the RG S Pöpsel

P 47 - Loss of SIRT7 promotes G-quadruplex DNA mediated genome instability in the Hutchinson Gilford Progeria Syndrome
Piccirillo, Priscilla - Member of the RG R Hänsel-Hertsch

P 49 - Identification of therapeutic vulnerabilities of KEAP1-mutated lung adenocarcinoma
Pistone, Marta - Member of the RG A Hillmer

P 51 - Structure and regulatory interactions of human histone demethylase KDM5B
Rüngeler, Till - Member of the RG S Pöpsel

P 53 - Deciphering the contribution of inflammatory macrophages in focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
Sierra-Gonzalez, Claudio - Member of the RG S Brähler

P 55 - Role of gut microbiota on the onset of sarcopenia
Solagna, Francesca - Member of the RG F Cabreiro

P 57 - Development and synthesis of artificial nucleotide signals to target immunometabolism in plants
Strippel, Julian - Member of the RG S Kath-Schorr

P 59 & FT - Structural and functional characterisation of the regulatory cascade controlling mitochondrial fission in mitosis
Tailor, Hirak Naitik - Member of RG V Piano

P 61 & FT - Investigating the potential regulatory effects of protein kinases Lyn and Csk in the tumor-supportive macrophages of non-small cell lung cancer
Truong, Thanh Tung - Member of the RG P-H Nguyen

P 63 - Investigating the role of Par3B in podocyte polarity in the kidney
Vaddavalli, Pavana Lakshmin - Member of the RG P T Brinkkötter

P 65 - 3D Printing of biocompatible and antibacterial silica-silk-based hybrid aerogel scaffolds incorporated with propolis
Vaseghi, Akbar - Member of the RG H Maleki

P 67 & FT - GDF15 as a potential target for overcoming cancer-associated fibroblast mediated treatment resistance in esophageal adenocarcinoma
Zhao, Yue - Member of the RG C Bruns

P 69 - Pathobiological characterization of pulmonary hypertension associated with heart failure with preserverd ejection fraction
Zimmermann, Lea - Member of the RG S Rosenkranz

P 71 - Effects of the AIS proteins Ankyrin G and TRIM46 on TAU sorting
Zempel, Hans - PI

P 73 - Activated-pancreatic stellate cells influence the chemoresistance and cell plasticity of pancreatic adenocarcinoma through extracellular vesicles
Wu, Xiaolin - Member of the RG Y Zhao



Overview of the poster presenter(s) and poster title (Flash Talks inidcated with FT)

P 02 & FT - Methylation pattern association with epigenetic signature of peripartum depression
Abualia, Khawla - Member of the RG P Antczak

P 04 & FT - Identifying key clinical and molecular characteristics predictive of ADPKD progression
Alkarkoukly, Samer - Member of the RG P Antczak

P 06 - Understanding the role of cFLIP in the pathogenesis of Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL)
Bariboloka, Kristie - Member of the RG A Annibaldi

P 08 - Changing the game: Next-Generation DNAzymes for antiviral therapies
Behn, Tobias - Member of the RG S Kath-Schorr 

P 10 - The TAU isoform 1N4R mediates Amyloid beta-induced neuronal dysfunction in human neurons
Benitez, David - Member of the RG H Zempel

P 12 - Functional analysis of nuclear stress body formation and SATIII RNA response after HPV E2 related alteration
Bergmann, Larissa - Member of The RG M R Schweiger

P 14 - ERBB2 signalling inhibits MHC Class I antigen presentation pathway and enables immune cell evasion in Small Cell Lung Cancer
Bouchez, Cyrielle - Member of the RG R Ullrich

P 16 - A preclinical study with patient-derived fibroblasts to develop clinically translatable therapies for Alpers/ POLG-spectrum disorders and related mitochondriopathies
Cakmak, Cagla - Member of the RG H Zempel

P 18 - Bi2S3 nanobelts or MXene-integrated silk fibroin-based self-assembly-driven 3D-Printed theragenerative scaffolds for remotely photothermal anti-osteosarcoma ablation and bone regeneration
Chen, Shiyi - Member of the RG H Maleki

P 20 & FT - Multifunctional 3D printed biomimetic theragenerative scaffold with anti-bacterial, anti-osteosarcoma and osteoinductive properties
Demidov, Yan - Member of RG H Maleki

P 22 & FT - I’m still standing: Exploring ribosome stalling in protein quality control at the ER
Eisenack, Tom - Member of the RG D B Trentini Schmidt

P 24 - Addition of Durvalumab to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (CROSS) in esophageal adenocarcinoma is feasible and safe - first results from the prospective Phase-II RICE trial
Garcia-Marquez, Maria A - Member of the RG H A Schlößer

P 26 - Transcriptomic profiling in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Grimm, Christina - Member of the RG M R Schweiger

P 28 - Towards 3D human cardiac tissues - identification of a human epicardial biomarker
Junghof, Julia - Member of RG K P Pfannkuche

P 30 & FT  - Physiological causes of genome Iistability in aging: Identification and evaluation of G-loop-binding Proteins
Koch, Anna Eva - Member of the RG Hänsel-Hertsch

P 32 - Detecting transcriptional mistakes from single-cell RNA-seq data
Koubele, Jakub - Member of the RG A Beyer

P 34 - Which modification provides a higher translation efficiency of mRNA?
Kulko, Ekaterina - Member of the RG Kath-Schorr

P 36 - The role of ferroptosis in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) subtypes
Langpape, Anuschka - Member of RG S Karstedt

P 38 - lncRNA in pathogenesis of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
Lemsara, Amira - Member of the RG  Antczak

P 40 - A translational approach to study Autosomal Recessive Polycystic Kidney Disease
Liebau, Max C - PI

P 42 & FT - Understanding the regulation of T Cell Immunity in B Cell Lymphoma
Lobastova, Mila - Member of the RG P-H Nguyen

P 44 - A dimer-monomer switch controls CHIP-dependent substrate ubiquitylation and processing
Müller, Leonie - Member of the RG T  Hoppe

P 46 - Assessing the role of olfactory receptor 2 in diet-induced obesity animal model
Park, Yein I Ruhlmann, Jonathan - Member of the RG H Winkels

P 48 & FT - The mt-mRNA-stabilizing protein LRPPRC regulates mitochondrial structure and function in skeletal muscle
Pham, Tang Cam Phung - Member of the RG R Wiesner

P 50 - Mitochondrial ROS sensitize podocytes to insulin resulting in mTOR activation
Reitmeier, Katrin - Member of the RG P T Brinkkötter

P 52 - Mechanochemical control of skin stem cell dynamics in health and disease
Rübsam, Matthias - Member of the RG C M Niessen

P 54  Ultrasensitive ctDNA-Seq in PCNSL
Schneider, Jessica - Member of the RG of S Borchmann

P 56 - Developing and testing a single cell hapatocyte damage score
Unger Avila, Paula - Member of the RG A Beyer

P 58 & FT - Uncovering the mechanisms regulating mitochondrial dynamics during cell division
Voß, Sebastian - Member of the RG V Piano

P 60 - Tertiary lymphoid structures in pancreatic cancer resemble lymphoid follicles in secondary lymphoid organs as sites for initiation and maintenance of anti-tumor T- and B-cell responses
Lehmann, Jonas - Member of the RG H A  Schlößer

P 62 - Gonococcal aggregation causes differential expression of genes involved in antibiotic tolerance
Wielert, Isabelle - Member of the RG B Maier

P 64 - Evaluation of the efficiency and reliability of artificial intelligence (AI) for endoscopic diagnosis of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma (ESCC): A systematic review and Meta-analysis
Xu, Yinan - Member of the RG Y Zhao

P 66 - Expanding the repertoire of cleavable and uncleavable bifunctional linker systems for applications in targeted RNA delivery
Zips, Niclas - Member of the RG S Kath-Schorr

P 68 - Proximity based interactomes of HSF1 under distinct stress conditions
Zirden, Linda - Member of the RG S Pöpsel

P 70 - Role of cFLIP in cell death suppression to maintain tissue homeostasis
Zrilic, Matea - Member of the RG A  Annibaldi

P 72 - D-Aspartate treatment of B6N spermatozoa increases male fertility by ROS production
Peltier, Manon - Member of the RG E Mahabir-Brenner

P 74 - Skin insulin resistance in type II diabetes and its associated diseases
Trojahn, Lea - Member of the RG C Niessen