Welcome to the CMMC Annual Retreat 2018
Dear CMMC Members
It is a great pleasure for us to welcome you and your group members as well as interested members of the Medical and Science Faculties to the CMMC Annual Retreat taking place from Febrary 06 - 07, 2019 at the Lecture Hall of the MPI for Biology of Ageing. The retreat starts on Wednesday - Feb. 21, 2018 at 10 a.m. and ends on Thursday Feb. 22, 2018 at about 1.00 p.m.
We look forward to welcoming you to a highly interactive meeting.
With best regards
Thomas Benzing
Chair of the CMMC and the CMMC EC Members
Program: CMMC Report - Short Talks - CMMC Lecture - Poster Session - Discussions - Networking
Over 58 research groups, six core facilities, the IPMM program complemented by additional research related activities are supported and integrated in the CMMC.
Based on a rotation system, every year a limited number of CMMC project groups are invited to present a progress report. To further facilitate the networking and exchange within the CMMC, all CMMC project leaders of the different CMMC funding programs and heads of the core facilities are invited to present a poster during the CMMC poster sessions. The poster sessions will take place during the coffee and lunch breaks in the foyer directly in front of the Lecture Hall at the venue.
To further facilitate the scientific exchange the CMMC Annual Retreat is open to all members that have a strong interest in biomedical research of the Medical and Science Faculties as well as for the members of the associated Max Planck Institutes. For the CMMC members, the participation in the Annual Retreat is considered with highest priority.
CMMC Lecture: Prof. Dr. Clemens A Schmitt (Berlin, DE)
We are delighted to announce that Prof. Dr. Clemens A. Schmitt (Dept. of Hematology, Oncology and Tumor Biology - Charité-University Medical Center and MDC for Molecular Medicine, Berlin) has accepted our invitation to participate in the Annual Retreat as honorary lecturer of the CMMC Lecture.
The CMMC Lecture "Senescence in cancer: Restore, prevent or eliminate?" will take place on Feb. 21, 2018 at 5.00 p.m.
Program - Annual Retreat 2018
February 21, 2018 - Wednesday
9.00 - 10.00. a.m.
Meeting of the CMMC Executive Board (for members of the EC Board only)
Seminar Room 1 - ground floor - MPI for Biology for Ageing
10.00 - 10.30 a.m.
Welcome address - introduction - CMMC progress report (General assembly part I)
Thomas Benzing - Chair of the Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne
Junior Research Groups
10.30 - 10.50 a.m.
JRG VII - Topological disruption of enhancers landscapes as an etiological mechanism
of human congenital disease
Alvaro Rada-Iglesias - Lab. of Developmental Genomics, CMMC
10.50 - 11.10 p.m.
JRG IX - Targeting cilium checkpoint to perturb glioma stem cells proliferation
Jay Gopalakrishnan - Laboratory of Centrosome and Cytoskeleton Biology, CMMC
11.10 - 11.30 p.m
Yin-Yang lncRNA yylncT acts as a gatekeeper of the mesodermal transcriptional program
Leo Kurian - Institute of Neurophysiology / CMMC
011.30 - 12.00 p.m.
Coffee Break - with poster presentation
Research Area C:
Molecular mechanisms and metabolic control of tissue degeneration and regeneration
12.00 - 12.20 p.m.
C 5 / CAP 1 - Opposing roles of dendritic cell subsets in experimental glomerulonephritis
Sebastian Brähler (RG Brinkkötter) - Department II of Internal Medicine
12.20 - 12.40 p.m.
C 7 - TOR signalling in epidermal homeostasis
Sabine Eming1 / Maria Leptin2 - Department of Dermatology1 / Institute for Genetics2
12.40 - 1.00 p.m.
CAP 10 - Molecular mechanisms of pulmonary alveolar and vascular development
Miguel A Alejandre Alcazar - Department of Children and Adolescent Medicine
1.00 - 2.30 p.m.
Lunch - with poster presentation
2.30 - 2.50 p.m.
C 11 - Investigating the roles of CSNK2B and LEF1 mutations in the etiology of Filippi syndrome and ectrodactyly ectodermal dysplasia
Muhammad Sajid Hussain1 / Angelika A Noegel1 / Peter Nürnberg2 - Institute for Biochemistry I1 / Cologne Center for Genomics2
2.50 - 3.10 p.m.
C 12 - APEX-based proximity labeling identifies actin binding proteins as new components of primary cilia
Bernhard Schermer1 / Max C Liebau2 - Department II of Internal Medicine1 / Department of Children and Adolescent Medicine2
3.10 - 3.30 p.m.
General assembly part II
Thomas Benzing - Chair of the Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne
3.30 - 3.45 p.m.
Coffee Break - with poster presentation
3.45 - 4.05 p.m.
C 13 - The mechanism of nitrite-dependent NO synthesis by sulfite oxidase
Guenter Schwarz - Institute for Biochemistry
4.05 - 4.25 p.m.
C 14 - Extracellular microfibrillar systems in disease pathogenesis
Gerhard Sengle / Raimund Wagner / Mats Paulsson - Institute for Biochemistry II
4.25 - 4.45 p.m.
C 16 - Unraveling the molecular and cellular mechanism underlying spinal muscular atrophy by use of genetic modifiers
Brunhilde Wirth - Institute for Human Genetics
4.45 - 5.00 p.m.
Coffee Break - with poster presentation
5.00 - 6.00 p.m.
CMMC Lecture
Senescence in cancer: Restore, prevent or eliminate?
Clemens Schmitt
Charité Universitätsmedizin and Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, DE
6. 00 - 6.15 p.m.
Change of location for the CMMC Dinner to the CMMC Research Building (Robert-Koch-Str. 21)
from 6.15 p.m.
Reception followed by the CMMC Dinner
February 22, 2018 - Thursday
Research Area A:
Mechanisms of tumor development: intrinsic and extrinsic control of cell proliferation and tissue invasion
9.00 - 9.20 a.m.
JRG VIII - Impact of a rare progeroid syndrome onto genomic structure and function
Argyris Papantonis - Laboratory of Systems Biology of Chromatin, CMMC
A 6 - Polarity networks in melanocyte function and melanoma cell plasticity
Sandra Iden - CECAD Cologne
9.20 - 9.40 a.m.
A 10 - Epigenetic mechanisms of genomic instability and therapy resistance in cancer
Michal-Ruth Schweiger - Laboratory for Epigenetics and Tumorgenetics
9.40 - 10.00 a.m.
A 4 - The multiple facets of the type II transmembrane serine protease ST14 and hypotonic stress during carcinogenesis in fish and mammals
Matthias Hammerschmidt - Biocenter, Institute for Zoology
10.00 - 10.20 a.m.
Coffee break with poster session
10.20 - 10.40 a.m.
A 9 - Modeling Myd88-driven lymphoma
Gero Knittel (RG Reinhardt)1 / Martin Peifer2 - Department I for Internal Medicine1 / Department of Translational Genomics2
10.40 - 11.00 a.m.
A 1 - The multifaceted function of the lysine-specific histone demethylase 1 in lung cancer
Margarethe Odenthal / Reinhard Büttner - Institute for Pathology
11.00 - 11.20 a.m.
B 1 - Prel. title: Metabolic addiction and reprogramming of an anti-tumor T cell response
Hinrich Abken - Department I of Internal Medicine
11.20 - 11.40 a.m.
Coffee Break - with poster presentation
Research Area B:
Principles of immunity, inflammation and infection
11.40 - 12.00 p.m.
aasoc. RG - Title pending
Philipp Schommer (RG Klein - Institute for Virology)
12.00 - 12.20 p.m.
B 2 - Inflammatory pathways propagating ventricular arrhythmia - the role of myeloperoxidase for postischemic pro-arrhythmic remodeling
Stephan Baldus / Martin Mollenhauer / Volker Rudolph - Department III of Internal Medicine
12.20 - 12.40 p.m.
CAP 12 - Tumor-specific endogenous immune response in esophago-gastric adenocarcinoma
Hans A Schlößer - Department of General, Visceral and Cancer Surgery
12.40 - 1.00 p.m.
Final discussion and leave-taking
Thomas Benzing - Chair of the CMMC
Only onsite registration
at the venue - CMMC Annual Retreat 2018
Lecture Hall
Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing
Joseph-Stelzmann-Str. 9b
D-50931 Cologne