Honors and Awards 2019
November 2019
Prof. Dr. Jens C Brüning
Director at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research and Center for Endocrinology, Diabetology and Prev. Medicine, University Hospital Cologne - has been honored with the 2019 Heinrich Wieland Prize for his pioneering work on how the brain regulates the uptake, storage, and use of energy in the body.
- Heinrich Wieland Prize - Laureates: Prof. Dr. Jens C Brüning
- Heinrich Wieland Prize - Award Symposium 2019
Prof. Dr. Jens C Brüning is Principal Investigator of the CMMC-Project:
C 05 - Role of prepronociceptin (PNOC)-expressing neurons in the development of obesity
Oktober 2019
Prof. Dr. Claus Cursiefen
Director of the Department of Ophthalmology at University Hospital Cologne - has been awarded with the Médaille d’Or Paul Chibret during the 117. Conference of the Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft (German Society of Ophthalmology) in Berlin.
The Médaille d’Or Paul Chibret is given for exceptional engagement in international ophthalmology, research and international cooperation. Mr Jean Frederic Chibret, president of the Laboratoires Thea and descendant of Paul Chibret (which the award has been named after), handed the Médaille to Prof. Cursiefen.
- Augenklinik - UK Köln - Aktuelles - Medaille d'Or Paul Chibret für Prof. Cursiefen
- FOR2240 - Medaille d'Or Paul Chibret for Prof. Cursiefen
- Biermann-Medizin.de - Kölner Klinikdirektor Claus Cursiefen mit goldener Chibret Medaille geehrt
Prof. Dr. Claus Cursiefen is Co-Prinicipal Investigator of the CMMC-Project:
A 09 - Role and therapeutic potential of autophagy-related mechanisms in UV-induced blinding ocular stem cell disorders (Pterygium)
Prof. Dr. Carien Niessen
Chair of the Cluster of Excellence CECAD Cologne, University of Cologne has been elected to the Leopoldina, the National Academy of Sciences. From now on, the internationally renowned scientists will represent the Section of Internal Medicine and Dermatology in the oldest Academy of Sciences of the world.
Prof. Dr. Carien Niessen is Principal Investigator of the CMMC Project:
A 08 - Epithelial-stromal crosstalk and cell fate regulation in field cancerization
September 2019
Prof. Dr. Thomas Krieg
is the new Vice-President - the Senate of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina elected the Prof. Dr. Thomas Krieg as its new Vice-President.
He was admitted to the Leopoldina as a member in 1997 and has been involved in the work of the Academy for many years. From 2011 to 2015 Krieg was a member of the Senate and since 2016 he is the spokesman for Class III - Medicine. He is also chairman of the search committee established in 2015, which proposes strongly interdisciplinary researchers for admission to the Leopoldina. Krieg also contributed to several papers on science-based policy advice, for example the discussion paper "The importance of scientificity for medical studies and doctorates" (2019).
- Leopoldina - Pressemitteilung
- Ärzteblatt - Thomas Krieg - Mediziner ins Präsidium der Leopoldina gewählt
- Biermann-Medizin.de - Dermatologe Thomas Krieg ist neuer Vizepräsident der Leopoldina
Prof. Dr. Dr, Thomas Krieg is Principal Investigator of the CMMC-Project:
SRG 02 The role of activated fibroblasts in fibrosis – scleroderma as a model disease
July 2019
Prof. Dr. Christiane Bruns
Director of the Dept. for General, Visceral, Tumor and Transplant Surgery at University Hospital Cologne has been elected to the Leopoldina, the National Academy of Sciences.
The internationally renowned surgeon will represent her discipline in the oldest Academy of Sciences in the world. One of her most important specialties is oncological surgery on the digestive organs.
- UK Koeln - Aktuelles - Chirurgin in Leopldina aufgenommen
- Leopoldina - Pressemitteilungen
- Leopoldina - Mitgliederverzeichnis - Christiane Bruns
Prof. Dr. Christiane Bruns was Principal Investigator of the CMMC-Project:
Christiane Bruns - assoc. RG 2017-2019
June 2019
Prof. Dr. Michael Hallek
Director of the Dept. of Internal Medicine I, University Hospital Cologne and Director of the Centre for Integrated Oncology in Cologne and Bonn - presented a new chemotherapy-free combination therapy for the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and was awarded the EHA-José Carreras Award.
- Innere Medinzin I - UK Köln - Aktuelles - EHA Jose Carreras Award für Prof. Hallek
- Biermann-Medizin.de - EHA Jose Carreras Award für Michael Hallek
Prof. Dr. Michael Hallek is Principal Investigator of the CMMC-Project:
A 04 - Understanding the impact of the lymphoid microenvironment in B cell malignancies by single-cell analysis
May 2019
Prof. Dr. Brunhilde Wirth
Director of the Institute for Human Genetics at the University Hospital, is honored for her breakthrough in the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy with the NRW Innovation Award 2019
- Land NRW - Pressemitteilung - Landesregierung verleiht Innovationspreis2019
- Informationsdienst - Wissenschaft - Kölner Professorin Brunhilde Wirth mit dem NRW Innovationspreis 2019 ausgezeichnet
- CMMC - Köln - News
Prof. Dr. Brunhilde Wirth is Principal Investigator of the CMMC-Project:
C 18 - Targeting CHP1, an SMN-independent pathway to counteract spinal muscular atrophy in mice and human iPSCs
April 2019
Prof. Dr. Stefan Baldus
Department III for Internal Medicine, University Hospital of Cologne
was elected future president of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kardiologie - Herz- und Kreislaufforschung e.V.
- DGK - Pressemitteilung - Stephan Baldus zum zukünftigen Präsidenten der DKG gewählt
- Kardiologie UK Koeln - Aktuelle Informationen
- Informationsdienst - Wissenschaft - Prof. Dr. Stephan Baldus zum zukünftigen Präsidenten der DGK gewählt
Prof. Dr. Stephan Baldus is Principal Investigator of the CMMC-Project:
Stephan Baldus - assoc. RG 01
February 2019
Prof. Dr. Björn Schumacher
leading a research group at the CECAD Cluster of Excellence for Ageing Research at the University of Cologne, was awarded with the Eva Luise Köhler Research Prize for Rare Diseases 2019 of the Eva Luise und Horst Köhler Stiftung - Für Menschen mit Seltenen Erkrankungen.
- Eva Luise Köhler Forschungspreis für Seltenen Erkrankungen 2019
- Impressionen der Preisverleihung 2019
- CECAD - Uni Koeln - News - Bjoern Schumacher erhält Eva Luise Koehler - Forschungspreis 2019
Prof. Dr. Schumacher is Principal Investigator of the CMMC-Project:
A 11 - Translational control of the p53 response in hair follicle stem cells