Honors and Awards 2020
December 2020
Dr. Friedrich Felix Hoyer
physician and research associate at the Clinic III for Internal Medicine, has been awarded the research prize of Heart and Diabetes unit by the German Society of Cardiology at this year's annual meeting. He receives the prize, which is endowed with 5.000 Euro, for his research on processes that influence cardiovascular complications under diabetic metabolic conditions.
Dr. Friedrich Felix Hoyer is a physician and research associate at the Clinic III for Internal Medicine headed by Prof. Dr. Stephan Baldus.
Prof. Dr. Baldus is Executive Board Member and Principal Investigator at the CMMC:
assoc. RG 01: Inflammatory pathways in ischemia- and chemotherapy-induced heart failure - the role of extracellular vesicles as carriers of leukocyte-derived peroxidases
November 2020
Prof. Dr. Christian Frezza
from the University of Cambridge (UK) has been selected by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation to be awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Professorship - the International Award for Research in Germany.
Christian Frezza was nominated for the award together with the Medical Faculty and the Cluster of Excellence for Aging Research (CECAD) at the University of Cologne. He is an internationally recognized scientist and leading expert in the field of metabolomics.
Professor Dr. Christian Frezza is Principal Investigator at the CECAD Cologne Institute.
Dr. Philipp Schommers
has been awarded the Wolfgang Stille Science Prize 2020 by the Paul Ehrlich Society for Chemotherapy (PEG). He receives the prize for his research on new antibody therapies against HIV infections.
This highest award of the PEG reminds of the infectiologist and former chairman of the PEG, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stille (1935-2004). Every two years it honors outstanding clinical-experimental research in the fields of infectiology and medical microbiology.
- UK Köln - Aktuelles - Dr. Schommers erhält Wolfgang Stille-Wissenschaftspreis
- Paul-Ehrlich-Gesellschaft für Chemotherapie (PEG)
- Wolfgang Stille-Wissenschaftspreis 2020
Dr. Philipp Schommers assistant physician at the Clinic I for Internal Medicine headed by Prof. Dr. Michael Hallek. The described work was performed by Dr. Schommers in the Laboratory for Experimental Immunology under the direction of Prof. Dr. Florian Klein.
Prof. Dr. Florian Klein is Executive Boad Member and Principal Investigator at the CMMC:
assoc. RG 10 - Antibody-mediated therapy and prevention of infectious pathogens
Prof. Dr. Claus Cursiefen
Director of the Department of Ophthalmology at University Hospital Cologne - was elected by the Deutsche Ophthalmologische Gesellschaft (DOG) as their Secretary General of the Society at its 118th Annual Meeting in Berlin - initially for four years. As Secretary General, Prof. Dr. Cursiefen has the task of ensuring the continuity of the DOG's work on fundamental issues. The DOG is the expert representation of scientific ophthalmology and with over 7,750 members the oldest ophthalmological society in the world.
Prof. Dr. Claus Cursiefen is Co-Prinicipal Investigator of the CMMC-Project:
A 09 - Role and therapeutic potential of autophagy-related mechanisms in UV-induced blinding ocular stem cell disorders (Pterygium)
September 2020
Dr. Sven Borchmann
Clinic I for Internal Medicine, received the Else-Kröner-Fresenius-Foundation's Publication Award for his paper in the Journal of Clinical Oncology 2019. The prize is endowed with personal prize money of 10,000 euros.
Dr. Borchmann is Principal Investigator at the CIO Cologne: Translational Tumor Genetics and Immunotherapy Research Group.
In 2018, Dr. Sven Borchmann was accepted into the research college "Clonal evolution in cancer" led by Professor Hans Christian Reinhardt at the University of Cologne, who is Principal Investigator at the following project:
A10 - Exploring the efficacy of PARP1 inhibition and anti-PD1 treatment for UBQLN4-overexpressing KRAS-driven lung adenocarcinoma
Oktober 2020
Prof. Dr. Roman-Ulrich Müller
Clinic II of Internal Medicine was awarded the Carl Ludwig Prize of the German Society of Nephrology (DGfN) for outstanding scientific work in the field of kidney and hypertension. The prize honors his work in translational nephrological research. His group uses various model organisms in combination with state-of-the-art methods of RNA biology to better understand kidney diseases.
Prof. Dr. Roman-Ulrich Müller is Principal Investigator of the CMMC-Project:
assoc. RG 13 - Hypoxia-signaling at the crossroads of cellular stress resistance and tumorigenesis
Prof. Dr. Dr. Heidenreich
Director of the Clinic and Polyclinic of Urology and Uro-Oncology University Hospital, has been awarded the Wil de Jongh Medal by the German Federal Association for Prostate Cancer Self-help (BPS) e.V. for his above-average commitment, his strong patient orientation and his support of self-help. The metabolism researcher receives the renowned science award for his outstanding research to identify pathological processes in the development of insulin resistance in obesity and diabetes mellitus. According to the Federal Association, his commitment is characterized by extraordinary dedication. With this award, the BPS honors high scientific competence, above-average commitment and, in particular, the pronounced patient-orientation of a clinically active or practicing physician.
- Wil de Jongh medal for Prof. Dr.Dr. Heidenreich | Video
- UK Köln - Aktuelles - Prof. Heidenreich für Unterstützung geehrt
Prof. Dr. Dr. Heidenreich is Co-Principal Investigator of the CMMC-Project:
assoc. RG 15 - Exploiting tumor heterogeneity and tumor microenvironment interactions in Testicular Germ Cell Tumors (TGCT) impacting metastasis and therapy response
Prof. Dr. Jens C Brüning
Director at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research and Center for Endocrinology, Diabetology and Prev. Medicine, University Hospital Cologne - has been awarded the Ernst Schering Prize 2020 by the Ernst Schering Foundation. The metabolism researcher receives the renowned science award for his outstanding research to identify pathological processes in the development of insulin resistance in obesity and diabetes mellitus.
- How obesity begins in the brain | animated film about J Brüning's research
- Interview with Prof. Dr. Brünung about his work | Video of dasgehirn.info
- Extract of the award ceremony Ernst Schering Prize 2020 to Jens Brüning | Video
- Impressions of the award ceremony | Picture Galary
Prof. Dr. Jens C Brüning is Principal Investigator of the CMMC-Project:
C 05 - Role of prepronociceptin (PNOC)-expressing neurons in the development of obesity
September 2020
Prof. Dr. Jens C Brüning
Director at the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research and Center for Endocrinology, Diabetology and Prev. Medicine, University Hospital Cologne - has been honored with the 2020 EASD-Novo Nordisk Foundation Diabetes Prize for Excellence for his scientific contributions to the understanding of the interactions between peripheral organs and the brain, which have come to the fore in recent years in the struggle to understand the escalating epidemics of type 2 diabetes and obesity.
Prof. Dr. Jens C Brüning is Principal Investigator of the CMMC-Project:
C 05 - Role of prepronociceptin (PNOC)-expressing neurons in the development of obesity
Dr. Xialoei Ding
Clinic and Polyclinic of Dermatology and Venereology, has been awarded the ROSA Research Prize 2020. The prize honors research that is leading the way in the pathogenesis, prevention or therapy of pathologically dry skin. The scientific assistant of the Clinic for Dermatology and Venerology and the Medical Faculty works in the team of the research laboratory on regeneration and inflammation of the skin under the direction of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sabine Eming.
Prof. Dr. Sabine Eming is Principal Investigator of the CMMC-Project:
C 06 - Metabolic regulation of myeloid cells in tissue repair and regeneration
July 2020
Prof. Dr. Rita Schmutzler
head of the Center for Familial Breast- and Ovarian Cancer, University Hospital of Cologne, has been appointed to the board of the Technologie- und Methodenplattform für die vernetzte medizinische Forschung e. V. (TMF)(Technology and Methods Platform for Networked Medical Research). Germany's medical network researchers have joined forces through this platform. As a board member Prof. Schmutzler intends to focus especially in the further development of clinical registries for health care research. Special attention will also be paid to the requirements for data protection and for the network of clinical and genetic data to help generate new knowledge through "big data" analyses.
Prof. Dr. Rita Schmutzler is Principal Investigator of the CMMC project:
assoc. RG 20 - Investigation of the genetic causes of breast and ovarian cancer
May 2020
Prof. Dr. Thomas Benzing
Clinic II of Internal Medicine and Chair of the Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne has been awarded the membership in the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He is considered a pioneer in the field of molecular causes of kidney disease and has contributed to the development of innovative therapies for this illness with his research.
Prof. Dr. Thomas Benzing is Principal Investigator of the CMMC project:
C 02 - Cellular crosstalk of endothelial cells and podocytes in glomerular injury and repair
Dr. Ron Jachimowicz
Clinic I of Internal Medicine, University Hospital of Cologne was honored with the Theodor-Frerichs-Prize, the highest award given by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Innere Medizin e.V. (DGIM - German Society for Internal Medicine), for his recent discovery that the protein UBQLN4 plays a major role in the cells' decision how to repair serious damage to DNA, choosing between an error-prone and an error-free repair route.
Dr. Ron Jachimowicz is Co-Principal Investigator of the CMMC project:
A 10 - Exploring the efficacy of PARP1 inhibition and anti-PD1 treatment for UBQLN4-overexpressing KRAS-driven lung adenocarcinoma
Prof. Dr. Mats Paulsson
Center for Biochemistry, University Hospital of Cologne was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Faculty of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine of the Universität of Oulu, Finnland, for his many years of commitment and pioneering research in the field of matrix biology.
Prof. Dr. Mats Paulsson is CMMC Executive Board member and Scientific Coordinator of research area B at the CMMC.
April 2020
Prof. Dr. Sabine Eming
Principal Investigator at the Clinic and Polyclinic of Dermatology and Venereology, was elected to the National Academy of Sciences "Leopoldina" for her outstanding scientific achievements.
- Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina
- Newly elected members of the National Academy Leopoldina
Prof. Eming is Vice Chair of the CMMC and Principal Investgator of the CMMC-Project:
C 06 - Metabolic regulation of myeloid cells in tissue repair and regeneration
February 2020
Prof. Dr. Rita Schmutzler
Center for Familial Breast- and Ovarian Cancer, University Hospital of Cologne has been awarded with the Deutsche Krebspreis (German Cancer Award) which is sponsored by the Deutschen Krebsgesellschaft (German Cancer Society) and the Deutschen Krebsstiftung (German Cancer Foundation), is one of the highest awards in German cancer medicine.
- UK Köln - Aktuelles - Deutscher Krebspreis für Prof. Schmutzler
- Pressemitteilung - Deutsche Krebshilfe - Deutscher Krebspreis für exzellente klinische, translationale und experimentelle Forschung
Prof. Dr. Rita Schmutzler is Principal Investigator of the CMMC project:
assoc. RG 20 - Investigation of the genetic causes of breast and ovarian cancer
January 2020
Prof. Dr. Sandra Iden
current CECAD Research Group Leader, recently accepted a tenured professorship for cell and developmental biology at Saarland University, Faculty of Medicine, Campus Homburg, commencing January 2020. At Saarland University, the Iden lab will expand its ongoing efforts to dissect both intrinsic and non-autonomous mechanisms that safeguard mammalian tissue integrity in development, homeostasis and disease.
Prof. Dr. Sandra Iden is Principal Investigator of the CMMC-Project:
B 03 - Tissue-scale control of epidermal immunity by polarity networks in homeostasis and disease