Dr. Muhammad Sajid Hussain - Curriculum Vitae- Curriculum Vitae

Education and professional career

since April 2011: Group leader, Institute of Biochemistry I, Medical Faculty, University of Cologne.
2007- 2011: Ph.D. thesis (Dr. rer. nat.) in Genetics at the Cologne Center for Genomics (CCG), University of Cologne, Germany, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Peter Nürnberg. Ph.D thesis title “Genetic analysis of autosomal recessive primary microcephaly (MCPH) in Pakistani kindreds”

Awards, distinctions and professional activities

2016: Awarded two weeks visit to National Institute for Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering (NIBGE), Faisalabad, Pakistan under “Visiting Scholars Program” offered by Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan to deliver lectures as well as research training of M.Phil and PhD student and a general presentation for NIBGE
2014: “EMBO Travel Fellowship” to attend “centrosomes and spindle pole bodies” meeting organized by EMBO, 30th September to 3rd of October 2014 at Lisbon Portugal
2007-2009: DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) sandwich scholarship


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