Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schermer - Curriculum Vitae

Education and professional career

since 2022: Managing director of the CECAD Research Center
2013: apl. professorship, University of Cologne
2009: Umhabilitation (Post Doctoral Thesis), University of Cologne
since 2007: Senior investigator and scientific head of the Nephrolab Cologne at the Department II of Internal Medicine, University Cologne
2007: Habilitation (Post Doctoral Thesis), University Freiburg
2003 - 2007: Research Fellow in Nephrology (Prof. Walz / Prof. Benzing), University Hospital Freiburg
2001 - 2003: Residency in Medicine and postdoctoral training at the department of Nephrology (Prof. Walz), University Hospital Freiburg
2000 - 2001: Medical School, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg
1999: Research Fellow in Nephrology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School, Boston
1997 - 1999: MD thesis in Physiology, University Frankfurt
1994 - 2000: Medical School, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt

Awards, Distinctions and professional activities

2022: Main organizer of the 5th European Cilia Meeting: EMBO Cilia2022 in Cologne
2013 - 2018: Coordinator of the CECAD technology platforms
2011: Karin Nolte Wissenschaftspreis der SPIG
2009: Fritz-Scheler Stipendium