Sponsor Options

(A) Exhibitor Packages

A1: Exhibition sponsor package        €5,000

•    Exhibition booth (3m x 3m) space
•    Logo recognition on the conference website front page with link, on the conference sponsorship page and on the conference program/poster/material, recognition in the invitation
•    Acknowledgement in the welcome address
•    One A5 color advertisement in the Klenk Symposium Abstract Book (excluding cover pages)
•    Three inserts provided by the sponsor for the conference bags

A2: Exhibition sponsor package        €2,500

•    Exhibition booth (2m x 3m) space
•    Logo recognition on the conference website front page with link, on the conference sponsorship page and on the conference program/poster/material, recognition in the invitation
•    Acknowledgement in the welcome address
•    One A5 color advertisement in the Klenk Symposium Abstract Book (excluding cover pages)
•    Two inserts provided by the sponsor for the conference bags

A3: Exhibition sponsor package        €1,400

•    Exhibition booth (2m x 2m) space
•    Logo recognition on the conference website front page with link, on the conference sponsorship page and on the conference program/poster/material, recognition in the invitation
•    Acknowledgement in the welcome address
•    Half page A5 color advertisement in the Klenk Symposium Abstract Book (excluding cover pages)
•    One insert provided by the sponsor for the conference bags

A4: Exhibition sponsor package        €800

•    Exhibition booth (1m x 2m) space
•    Logo recognition on the conference website front page with link, on the conference sponsorship page and on the conference program/poster/material, recognition in the invitation
•    Acknowledgement in the welcome address
•    Half page A5 color advertisement in the Klenk Symposium Abstract Book (excluding cover pages)
•    One insert provided by the sponsor for the conference bags

(B) Partial Sponsorship of guest speakers

B1: Partial sponsorship of two guest speakers        €5,000

•    Logo recognition on the conference website front page with link, on the conference sponsorship page and on the conference program/poster/material, recognition in the invitation

•    Acknowledgement in the welcome address
•    One A5 color advertisement in the Klenk Symposium Abstract Book (excluding cover pages)
•    Three inserts provided by the sponsor for the conference bags

B2: Partial sponsorship of one guest speaker      €2,000

•    Logo recognition on the conference website front page with link, on the conference sponsorship page and on the conference program/poster/material, recognition in the invitation

•    Acknowledgement in the welcome address
•    One A5 color advertisement in the Klenk Symposium Abstract Book (excluding cover pages)
•    Two inserts provided by the sponsor for the conference bags

B3: Partial sponsorship of one guest speaker     €800

•    Logo recognition on the conference website front page with link, on the conference sponsorship page and on the conference program/poster/material, recognition in the invitation

•    Acknowledgement in the welcome address
•    Half page A5 color advertisement in the Klenk Symposium Abstract Book (excluding cover pages)
•    One insert provided by the sponsor for the conference bags

(C) additional sponsorship opportunities

C1: Display of company-specific material        €500

•    Logo recognition on the conference website front page with link, on the conference sponsorship page and on the conference program/poster/material, recognition in the invitation
•    Acknowledgement in the welcome address
•    Half page A5 color advertisement in the Klenk Symposium Abstract Book (excluding cover pages)
•    One insert provided by the sponsor for the conference bags

C2: Providing conference materials (e.g. conference bags, lanyards, writing utensils)     

•    Logo recognition on the conference website front page with link, on the conference sponsorship page and on the conference program/poster/material, recognition in the invitation
•    Acknowledgement in the welcome address
•    One insert provided by the sponsor in the conference bags


If you are interested in supporting the Klenk Symposium 2019 and/or if you have further questions, please contact
Bettina Kranz (Sponsor-Organization - Klenk Symposium 2019)


Industrial Sponsors

We gratefully acknowledge the support by our industrial partners.

The sponsoring is used for conference rooms, technology, travel expenses of the speakers, conference handouts and event management.

Avexis € 5.000,- • Roche € 5.000,- • Sanofi € 2.500,- • Otsuka € 1.500,- • Biogen € 1.400,- • Proteintech € 1.400,- • Analytik Jena € 800,- • PerkinElmer € 800,- • Sartorius € 800,- • Active Motif € 500,- • PHCbi € 500,- •
LMS Consult conference material • Promega conference material