The University of Cologne stands for openness and diversity. We are appalled by and utterly condemn the right-wing extremist tendencies in our country that have been extensively reported in the media.

We strongly support all members of the University of Cologne and all those who are taking to the streets these days to defend our free democratic society and to condemn nationalist and racist endeavours as well as every form of nationalist thinking. It is important that we also stand up for those values in our workplaces and universities, in the lecture halls, offices and laboratories. This also means listening to each other, taking a close look and always calling for the principles and procedures of the rule of law.

“Science needs liberal democracy and the rule of law” – we strongly support the statement of the Executive Board of the German Rectors' Conference.

Professor Dr Joybrato Mukherjee,
Rector of the University of Cologne


Prof. Dr. med. Thomas Benzing
Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne