Prof. Dr. Dr. Roland Ullrich - Curriculum Vitae

Education and professional career

since 2022: Project leader of the Collaborative Research Center 1530 “Elucidation and targeting of pathogenic mechanisms in B-cell neoplasia”
2020: Senior Staff Physician, University Hospital Cologne, Clinic I for Internal Medicine
2020: Managing Senior Physician, University Hospital Cologne, Clinic I for Internal Medicine
2020: Speaker of the Mildred Scheel Young Investigator Center: Cancer and Immuno-Genomics   
2019: Call for Professorship (W2) for Molecular Oncology, University Hospital Cologne
2019: Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Central Animal Husbandry Department of the University Hospital of Cologne
2019: Certification of Clinical Sarcoma Center, Cologne by the Deutschen Krebsgesellschaft (one of five first certified centers in Germany)
2017: Attending physician responsible for finances and economic development of the Medical Clinic I of the University Hospital Cologne (Finanzoberarzt)
2017: Head of clinical Sarcoma Center, University Hospital of Cologne
2016: Certified Clinical Research Physician
2015 - 2021: NRW- Junior Research Group Leader at the Center for Molecular Medicine, Cologne (CMMC) and the Medical Clinic I of the University Hospital Cologne
2013: Venia Legendi / Habilitation for Molecular Medicine, Medical Faculty, University of Cologne
2009 - 2014: Principal Investigator of the Sonderforschungsbereich 832 “Molecular basis and modulation of cellular interactions in the tumor microenvironment” (Projects A6 and Z1)
2009 - 2014: Head of Research Group “Cancer Therapy and Molecular Imaging”, Max-Planck-Institute for Neurological Research, Cologne
2006 - 2010: MD-PhD in Molecular Medicine, Center for Molecular Medicine, Cologne (CMMC)
2006 - 2009: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Max-Planck Institute for Neurological Research, Advisor: Prof. Dr. med. Andreas Jacobs
1999 - 2005: Medical school, (Final grade: Sehr gut), University of Cologne; University of Marburg, University of Lyon, Université de Lyon, Université de Paris
1999 - 2003: MD thesis, Department of Neurosurgery, University of Cologne

Awards, distinctions and professional activities

2019: Karin Nolte Award of the German Society for Internal Medicine and SPIGG

Reviewer for scientific journals: JCI, Cancer Research, JCI insight, Cell Res, Clinical Cancer Research, Oncogene, Journal of Nuclear Medicine, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and others
Reviewer for the DFG and other third-party funders: German Research Foundation (Emmy-Noether-NWG and normal procedures), German Cancer Aid, Wilhelm Sander Foundation, Excellent Research Support Program (ERSP) of the University of Cologne, Fondation contre Cancer, Belgium


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