Prof. Dr. Paul T Brinkkötter - Curriculum Vitae

Education and professional career

since 2022: Deputy Director Department II of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Cologne
since 2020: Professor of Medicine (W2) for glomerular Research, University of Cologne
since 2018: Scientific Coordinator Clinical Research Unit KFO329
2016: Board certification “Geriatrics”
2015: Venia legendi for Internal Medicine, University of Cologne
2015: Attending physician (Oberarzt)
2014: Board certification “Internal medicine and Nephrology”
2010: Venia legendi for Molecular Medicine, University of Cologne
2009: Postdoctoral Fellow and Junior Group Leader, NephroLab Cologne, University of Cologne (Prof. Benzing)
2006 - 2008: Postdoctoral fellow (Prof. Shankland), University of Washington, Seattle, Washington/USA, Fellow of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
2003 - 2006: Residency in Medicine, University Hospital Mannheim

Awards, distinctions and professional activities

2015: Young Investigator Award, German Society of Nephrology (Carl-Ludwig Preis)
2008: Poster award, 7th International Podocyte Conference (Toronto, Canada)
2007: 2. Place Young Investigator Award, 6th Annual Nephrology Young Investigators’ Forum (San Diego, USA)
2007: Scholarship by the German Research Foundation for Participation in the Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates
2001 - 2002: Scholarship of the German Academic Exchange Service
1996 - 2002: Scholar of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation


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