Prof. Dr. Oliver A Cornely - Curriculum Vitae

Education and professional career

2017: Director, Medical Mycology Diamond Excellence Center (ECMM)
2014: Scientific Director, CTCC
2014: Full Professor, Translational Research, CECAD Cologne
2008 - 2014: Professor, Internal Medicine (apl)
2007 - 2014: Medical Director, Clinical Trials Center Cologne (CTCC)
2006: Attending, lnfectious Diseases
2005 - 2006: Board Examination in lnfectious Diseases
2004: Habilitation
2001 - 2005: Board Examination in Hematology and Oncology
1999: Doctoral Thesis at the Dep. I of Internal Medicine, University of Cologne
1994: Medical License
1994 - 2001: Board Examination in Internal Medicine
1987 - 1994: Medical School, University of Cologne

Awards, distinctions and professional activities

2024: NAPKON-TIP/RAPID REVIVE: Adaptive Platform Trial on Treatment Options for post-Covid Syndrome
2024: TI CTO Coordinator (DZIF)
2024: Acting Speaker PDU (DZIF)
2022: Johann-Lucas-Schönlein Lifetime Achievement Award, German Mycological Society
2021: VACCELERATE® Volunteer Registry, >36.000 volunteers for clinical trials, 26 countries
2021: VACCELERATE® Consortium for vaccine trials and pandemic readiness, 523 sites, 58 countries
2020: Site Speaker, Partner Site BonnCologne (DZIF)
2019 – 2025: Member IAB (DZIF)
2019: Academic Advisor, National Fungal Diseases Surveillance Net (NFD-Net), China
2018: Highly Cited Researcher, Top 1% in Web of Science
2018: Consultant, WHO Global Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance System (GLASS) Program on Global Resistance Development
2018: British Medical Association Book Award for the Oxford Textbook of Medical Mycology
2017: Founder & Chair, Infectious Diseases Working Group, Clinical Trial Site Network, European Hematological Association (EHA)
2017: Founder & Chair, FungiResearch Phase 1 & 2 Platform, Antiinfectives Development
2016: Founder, World-wide Excellence Center Program (ECMM)
2016: Founder, ECMM Academy
2016: Fellow, European Confederation of Medical Mycology (FECMM)
2016: Deputy Speaker, Partner Site BonnCologne (DZIF)
2016: Board of Directors, Mycoses Study Group (NIH-MSGERC)
2015: Fellow, American Academy of Microbiology (FAAM)
2015 - 2016: Advisory Board, Antimicrobial Resistance (ESCMID)
2014: Standards & Guidelines Committee, Inf. Dis. Society of America (IDSA)
2014: Pushpa Talwar Memorial Award, Postgraduate Institute, Chandigarh, India
2014: Advisory Board, German Society for Infectious Diseases (DGI)
2012: Lead, Translational Infrastructure Clinical Trial Unit, German Center for Infection Research (DZIF)
2012: Lead, National Hub, Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI-COMBACTE)
2012 - 2017: Program Committee, Interscience Conference Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC/MICROBE)
2011: Fellow, American College of Physicians (FACP)
2011 - 2017: President, European Confederation of Medical Mycology (ECMM)
2009: Faculty Prize, Best Publication, Faculty of Medicine, University of Cologne
2008: Fellow, lnfectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA)
2008 - 2011: President, German-Speaking Mycological Society (DMykG)
2003: FungiScope® –Invasive fungal infection registry in 95 countries

Editorial Boards

07/2023: International Advisory Board for Journal of Clinical Infectious Diseases Society
07/2022 – 06/2025: Editorial Board, mBio
01/2019 – 01/2024: Editorial Board, HemaSphere Journal
07/2018: Editorial Board, Medical Mycology Case Reports
07/2018: Editorial Board, Medial Mycology
09/2017: Associate Editor, Infection Management in Hematology
07/2014: Editorial Board, Clinical Investigation
06/2012: Editorial Board, Elsevier Clinical Advisory Board (India)
06/2012: Editorial Board, Clinical Microbiology and Infection
10/2011: Editor-in-Chief, Mycoses
08/2010: Advisory Panel, European Infectious Disease
05/2010: Editorial Board, Infectious Disease
01/2008: Editorial Board, Haematologica


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