Prof. Dr. Dr. Michal-Ruth Schweiger - Curriculum Vitae

Education and professional career

2019: W3 Professorship for Epigenetics and Tumor Genetics
2018: Offer W3 Professorship for Human Genetics, UKSH Kiel (declined)
2018: positive tenure track evaluation of the W2 Lichtenberg Professorship
since 2015: Attending physician, Human Genetics, University of Cologne
2015: Board exam (Human Genetics)
since 2014: Lichtenberg Professor for Translational Epigenomics, University of Cologne
2008: Habilitation for Experimental Medicine, Charité University Hospital Berlin
2008 - 2014: Junior research group leader ‘Cancer genomics’, MPI for Molecular Genetics, Department Vertebrate Genomics, Berlin
2008 - 2014: Residency in Medical Genetics, Charité University Hospital Berlin
2007 - 2008: MD thesis (, Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, Boston USA and FU Berlin; Advisor: Prof. PM. Howley (Summa cum laude)
2005 - 2007: Postdoctoral research fellow, Harvard Medical School Boston,
2003 - 2005: PhD thesis (Dr.rer.nat.), Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School, Boston USA and Free University (FU) Berlin, Advisor: Prof. PM. Howley (Summa cum laude)
2001 - 2002: Diploma thesis (Dipl.biochem.), Department of Clinical Chemistry, Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck and FU Berlin; Advisor: Prof. H. Grunicke
1999 - 2002: Teaching assistant (tutor) in Biochemistry for Medical Students and Molecular Biology for Bioinformaticians
1995 - 2002: Biochemistry studies, FU Berlin and Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck
1994 - 2001: Medical school, FU Berlin; Charité University Hospital Berlin and Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck;
1999-2002: Teaching assistant (tutor) in Biochemistry for Medical Students and Molecular Biology for Bioinformaticians
1998 - 1999: Student research training program at the MPI for Molecular Genetics (Dep.Lehrach)

Awards, distinctions and professional activities

2014: W2 Lichtenberg Professorship of the Volkswagen Stiftung
2008: Robert Koch Charité Dissertation award
2003 - 2005: Scholarship from the ‚Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes’
1995: 1st Place ‚Jugend Forscht‘ (region and land), special price environmental technology: ‚Hefe (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)-Ein biologischer Monitor für Schutz und Schaden.’


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