Dr. Maria Notara - Curriculum Vitae
Education and professional career
since 2024: Principal Investigator CRC1607 ‘Towards immunomodulatory and anti(lymph)angiogenic therapies for age-related blinding eye diseases’
since 2023: Principal Investigator (CAP 15) at the Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne
since 2018: CAP group Leader CMMC: Effects of UV irradiation on corneal angiogenic privilege: pterygium as a UV-induced stem cell disease model: The limbal niche and corneal avascularity
since 2018: Principal Investigator in FOR2240 (lymph)angiogenesis and cellular immunity in inflammatory diseases of the eye
2013 - 2017: ERC Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Ophthalmology, Cologne University Hospital (Prof. Claus Cursiefen)
2012 - 2013: MRC Postdoctoral fellow at Institute of Healthy Ageing, University College London (Laboratory of Dr Daniel Pierce)
2010 - 2012: Prostate Action UK Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Surgery, University College London (Laboratory of Prof. John Masters)
2007 - 2010: MRC Postdoctoral fellow at Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London (Laboratory of Prof. Julie Daniels)
2005 - 2007: BBSRC Postdoctoral fellow at Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London (Laboratory of Prof. Julie Daniels)
2001 - 2005: Ph.D., University of Nottingham
1999 - 2001: Study of Chemical Engineering (Diploma), National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Supplementary Career Information
Maternity Leaves: November 2017 - October 2018 and May 2020 - May 2021
Part-time employed (50%): May 2021 - October 2023
Awards, distinctions and professional activities
since 2023: Review Editor for Stem Cell Research in ‘Frontiers in Genetics’ and ‘Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology’
since 2021: Member of the Editorial Board of the journal ‘Biology’
2019 - 2023: Member of E-COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action CA18116 (https://aniridia-net.eu/about-cost/) Work package 3 co-leader
2015 - 2019: Member of E-COST Action BM1302 -Joining forces in Corneal Regeneration (The Network of Excellence in Corneal Regeneration, www.biocornea.eu)
2009 - 2010: NIHR Biomedical Research Centre for Ophthalmology Award to support translational research initiatives 2008, including travel Scholarship to the New York Stem Cell Foundation (training in iPSC derivation, characterization and maintenance).