Dr. Mafalda Escobar-Henriques - Curriculum Vitae
Education and professional career
since 2015: Principal Investigator, CECAD, Institute for Genetics, University of Cologne
2011 - 2015: Scientits at the Institute for Genetics, University of Cologne (Germany)
2008 - 2011: Scientist, CNRS, IBGC, Bordeaux University (France)
2002 - 2011: Research fellow at the Institute for Genetics, University of Cologne (Germany)
2001 - 2002: Research fellow at the Dept. of Medical Genetics, University of Geneva (Switzerland)
1997 - 2001: PhD, Genetics and Molecular Biology, PhD-thesis work at the Institute de Biologie et Génétique Cellulaires (France)
1997: MSc, Biotechnology
1994: Dipl. Ing. in Chemical Engineering
Awards and Distinctions
2016: Organizer of the seminar series “Yeast Club” at the University of Cologne
2016: Head of Genderboard of CRC1218
2003 - 2005: Post-Doc Fellowship, EMBO long term