Dr. Dr. Hans Zempel - Curriculum Vitae

Education and professional career

2018/08: Medical Approbation, Univ. Bonn (certification of Dr. med./MD 2019: magna cum laude (0.5))
2018/04 – 08: Chief Scientific Officer (Start-up company, EF incubator), MedXact technology ltd. (now Juniper Medical Computing), Berlin/London
2017 – 2018: Clinical rotations/traineeships,7 months Neurology (Univ. Liège (CHU), Belgium), 4 months Surgery (Univ. Würzburg/Ansbach)), 4 months Internal Medicine (Univ. La Laguna, Spain): Yielded 1 publication (CHU Liège).
2015 – 2018: Clinical Medicine (student), Univ. Bonn & Postdoc (50%), DZNE, Bonn
2013/12:PhD Thesis, Biochemistry, summa cum laude (1.0), University of Hamburg  & Max-Planck Group for Structural Molecular Biology, Hamburg
2010 – 2017: Helmholtz/German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Bonn: PhD & PostDoc-Position: Yielded 6 publications.
2008 – 2010: Max-Planck Unit for Structural Molecular Biology, Hamburg: PhD-Position: Yielded 4 publications.
2007 – 2008: Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Aging, Japan, 6 months: Yielded 1 publication.
2006 – 2008: Clinical Medicine (student), 3rd & 4th year curriculum, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Japan
2005 – 2006: Biophysics & Genetics, classes of Japanese & culture, Kyoto-Univ., Japan
2004 – 2006: Extensive lab training in several laboratories: MSc/Dipl.-Biochem.-thesis in Biochemistry/Biotechnology (6 months), Free University (FU) & Charité, Berlin; 3 months in France (ENSCM) for Protein-/Lipid-biochemistry; 3 months in Chile (USACH) for Neurochemistry: Yielded acknowledgement in 1 publication.
2002 – 2006: Student of Biochemistry & Biophysics, selected classes of Clinical Medicine, MSc in Biochemistry in 2006, Free University (FU) & Charité, Berlin 
2000 – 2002: Abitur, with honors, top of class (grade 1.2)D.B.-Gymnasium O. b. Nürnberg
1999 – 2000: High-School Diploma, with honors, R. V. High School, Mt. Holly, NJ, USA

Awards, distinctions and professional activities

2022: Alzheimer Research Initiative Grant Awardee
2022: Career Advancement Program of the CMMC Awardee
2015: Steinberg-Krupp-Alzheimer-Research Award, Hirnliga (Brain league) e.V., for outstanding research
2014: Otto-Hahn-Medal of the Max-Planck Society, for outstanding PhD
2014: Nikon Young Scientist Award of the German Society for Cell Biology (DGZ), for outstanding research
2011: Verum Award for presentation at MEMOSAD satellite conference of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease Congress (ADPD 2011)
2010: Travel Award for International Conf.on Alzheimer Disease (ICAD)
2006 – 2008: Full scholarship of Japanese Ministry of Education for attendance of Medical and Dental University Tokyo
2005 – 2006: Full scholarship of Kyoto University, KUINEP and regular classes
2002 – 2006: Full scholarship (BayBFG), incl. intern. university fees, renewed 2004/05 
2002: Abitur: Prizes for best of class and best final exams in main subject (physics)

Other scientific activities

  • Co-organizer with Prof. B. Wirth of the 8th Symposium of the Institute of Human Genetics, Univ. Col.
  • Guest editor for special issue of Cells (IF 6.6): Special Issue "Neurodegenerative and Neurologic Disease: Genes, Mechanisms, and Therapies" 

Reviewing activities

Science (1x), Nat Neurosc. (4x), EMBOj (3x), Nat Comm. (2x), ~20 manuscripts IF 3-10


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