Prof. Dr. Guenter Schwarz - Curriculum Vitae

Education and professional career

since 2009: Full Professor of Biochemistry (W3), University of Cologne
2005 - 2008: Associate Professor of Biochemistry (W2), University of Cologne
2001 - 2005: Group Leader, Department of Plant Biology, Technical University Braunschweig
2000 - 2001: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Center for Molecular Medicine & Center for Structural Biology, State University of New York at Stony Brook, NY/USA
1998 - 2000: Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Department of Botany, TU Braunschweig
2003: Habilitation, Venia legendi in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, TU Braunschweig
1998: Promotion (Dr. rer. nat) in Biology, Technical University Braunschweig
1995 - 1998: Graduate studies in Plant Biology and Biochemistry, Technical University (TU) Braunschweig (Dissertation)
1992 - 1995: Studies in Biology with Majors in Genetics, Biochemistry, Botany, TU Braunschweig (Diploma)
1990 - 1992: Studies in Biology, University of Szeged, Hungary

Awards, distinctions and professional activities

2017 - 2020: Dean Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Cologne
2014 - 2017: Vice Dean Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Cologne
2014 - 2017: Co-Chair International Graduate School in Molecular Medicine, Univ. of Cologne
since 2013: Head of B.Sc. Biochemistry Examination Board, University of Cologne
since 2011: Vice Chair Center of Molecular Medicine Cologne, University of Cologne
2010: Innovation Award of the State North Rhine Westphalia
2009: Horst-Bickel-Award for novel therapies in the field of inborn errors in metabolism
since 2008: CEO Colbourne Pharmaceuticals GmbH
2008 - 2012: Acting Director, Institute of Biochemistry, University of Cologne
2008: Call as W3-Professor for Clinical Chemistry, Med. Faculty, University of Marburg
2008: Call as W3-Professor for Biochemistry, University of Bayreuth
2005: Max-von-Laue-Preis for Structural Biology given by the German Society of Crystallography
2003: Novartis-Preis for Therapy-related Pharamacological Research


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