Federal Cross of Merit for Prof. Hallek


Honor for special services to medicine: Prof. Dr. Michael Hallek has been awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in Cologne´s historic town hall.

Prof. Dr. Michael Hallek, Foto: Michael Wodak

On October 14, the Mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker, presented Professor Michael Hallek - Director of the Department of Internal Medicine and the Center for Integrated Oncology (CIO) at the University Hospital of Cologne and Medical Faculty of the University of Cologne with the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany in Cologne´s historic town hall. 

In her laudatio, Reker said: “Your work has a global impact, with thousands of lives improved and saved. It is a significant benefit to the University Hospital and the city of Cologne, as well as the reputation of Cologne as an international center of cutting-edge research that Professor Michael Hallek accepted the call to come here to the Rhine more than 20 years ago”.

Prof. Hallek has been working at the University Hospital of Cologne since 2003 and has been a member of CMMC Executive Board since then. He is the founder and head of the German CLL Study Group. He is also a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Robert Koch Institute, the Science Council of the German Federal Government, Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Medical Association, and Chairman of the Advisory Council of Experts on Health and Health Care of the German Federal Government

To the report in the Kölner Stadtanzeiger.

Interview with Prof. Hallek in WDR-Lokalzeit (from minute 4:18).

CMMC modified press release 
original press release (by the Press and Communication Team of the University Hospital Cologne) here.