Collaborative Research Center 1218 on Regulation of Cellular Function by Mitochondria enters the next funding phase

Scientists from the University of Cologne, the Max Planck Institute for Biology of Ageing, the Max Planck Institute for Metabolism Research in Cologne and from the University of Bonn have teamed up to study how mitochondria influence activity, differentiation and survival of the cell. The Collaborative Research Centre (CRC)/Sonderforschungsbereich (SFB) 1218 on Mitochondrial regulation of cellular function has been funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) since July 2016. In July 2020, the University of Cologne announced that the CRC 1218 (Sonderforschungsbereich 1218) is entering its second phase, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) until 2024.
„We are very happy for this recognition. During the last four years, our collaborative research has increased the visibility of Cologne as a hub for mitochondrial research. Mitochondria have been in the focus of research for many years, and are known as the powerhouse of the cell", Professor Dr. Elena Rugarli, Chair of the CRC 1218, comments. "Our CRC 1218 (SFB 1218) investigates how mitochondria communicate and signal to the cells to adapt their function to changing physiological conditions. Understanding this novel and dynamic aspect of mitochondrial function is crucial to unravel how these organelles affect several disease conditions. The strength of our consortium is that it brings together scientists with different backgrounds and technical expertise. We are very excited to be able to continue our studies and explore new hypotheses in the next four years“, says Professor Elena Rugarli, CECAD Principal Investigator and PI of the research project C 13 at the Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne.
In addition to the University of Cologne, the Max Planck Institute for the Biology of Aging, the Max Planck Institute for Metabolic Research and a project at the University of Bonn are involved. The DFG will spport the CRC 1218 with approx. 9 Mio € for the next four years.
The CMMC congratulates all members of the CRC 1218 (Sonderforscungsbereich 1218) on this sucess and is also pleased to announce that eight Principal Investigators are also leading research projects in the new Funding Period of the Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC) from 1/2020-12/2022.
Prof. Dr. Elena Rugarli
Institut for Genetics
Press release by the German research Foundation (DFG) - here
modified CECAD press news by Dr. Debora Grosskopf-Kroiher - CMMC - debora.grosskopf-kroiher[at]
Original press release - University of Cologne - here