Cornely, Oliver A - assoc. RG 28
Translational research in compromised immunity and immune responses
Prof. Dr. Oliver A Cornely
CECAD Cologne | Clinical Trials Center Cologne
CMMC - PI - assoc. RG 28
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CECAD Cologne | Clinical Trials Center Cologne
Gleueler Str. 269
50935 Cologne
In patients, a variety of risk factors predispose for different invasive fungal infections. Common invasive fungal infections are invasive candidiasis, invasive aspergillosis, and mucormycosis. Patients with well-defined profound immunosuppression are at high risk for invasive aspergillosis and mucormycosis, whereas invasive candidiasis occurs in immunocompetent patients, too.
Current standard diagnostics for invasive fungal infections such as blood culture, bronchoalveolar lavage, tissue biopsies and serological assays are sensitive to errors, sometimes unspecific, invasive and often contraindicated. The lack of reliable diagnostics along with high mortality lead to complex treatment strategies by means of prophylaxis, fever-driven, diagnosis-driven, and targeted treatment approaches.
With the development of the antigen-reactive T cell assay a non-invasive diagnostic allows fast and valid identification of pathogens to genus and species level when standard tests remain negative or patients’ comorbidities forbid invasive diagnostics.
We use peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from patients’ full blood and challenge them with fungal lysates. If the PBMCs encounter a repetitive fungal challenge, we identify fungus-reactive CD4+ T cells in the patient’s blood via flow cytometry.
The current project is advanced to further bacterial and fungal pathogens for clinical diagnostics and to investigate the cellular immune response in cooperation with the AG Klinische Mikrobiomforschung (PD Dr. M. Vehreschild) and AG Immunologie der HIV-Infektion (PD Dr. C. Lehmann).
Clinical/medical relevance and sustainability in disease understanding
Invasive fungal infections are associated with high morbidity and mortality in immunosuppressed and immunocompetent patients. With the development of new diagnostic tools, we want to overcome the problem of false negative standard diagnostics to facilitate targeted treatment and thus improve patient outcome. We receive patient samples from multiple sites in Germany through our FungiResearch network ( and act as the lab of the European Excellence Center of Medical Mycology (
Lab Website
For more information about Prof. Cornely´s work, please check this site.
- Institute of Translational Research, Cologne Excellence Cluster on Cellular Stress Responses in Aging-Associated Diseases (CECAD), Cologne
- Department I of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Cologne
- Center for Integrated Oncology Aachen Bonn Cologne Duesseldorf (CIO ABCD)
- Excellence Center for Medical Mycology (ECMM), Cologne, Germany
- German Centre for Infection Research (DZIF), Partner Site Bonn-Cologne, Cologne, Germany
- University of Cologne, Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital Cologne, Clinical Trials Centre Cologne (ZKS Köln), Cologne, Germany
Publications generated during 1/2023-12/2025 with CMMC affiliation
2024 (up to June)
- El-Ashwah S, Salmanton-Garcia J, Bilgin YM, Itri F, Zak P, Weinbergerova B, Verga L, Omrani AS, Silva MGD, Szotkowski T, Marchetti M, Buquicchio C, Nucci M, Schonlein M, Farina F, Besson C, Prezioso L, Nizamuddin S, Davila-Valls J, Martin-Perez S, Bonuomo V, Van Doesum J, Tisi MC, Passamonti F, Mendez GA, Meers S, Maertens J, Lopez-Garcia A, Glenthoj A, Bonnani M, Rinaldi I, Ormazabal-Velez I, Labrador J, Kulasekararaj A, Espigado I, Demirkan F, De Jonge N, Collins GP, Calbacho M, Blennow O, Al-Khabori M, Adzic-Vukicevic T, Arellano E, Miskovic B, Mladenovic M, Nordlander A, Racil Z, Ammatuna E, Cordoba R, Hersby DS, Grafe S, Emarah Z, Hanakova M, Sacchi MV, Ijaz M, Rahimli L, Nunes Rodrigues R, Zambrotta GPM, Marchesi F, Cornely OA, and Pagano L (2024). The mortality of COVID-19 in CML patients from 2020 until 2022: results from the EPICOVIDEHA survey. Leuk Lymphoma65, 199-208. doi:10.1080/10428194.2023.2280886.
- Lahmer T, Salmanton-Garcia J, Marchesi F, El-Ashwah S, Nucci M, Besson C, Itri F, Jaksic O, Colovic N, Weinbergerova B, Seval GC, Adzic-Vukicevic T, Szotkowski T, Sili U, Dargenio M, van Praet J, van Doesum J, Schonlein M, Racil Z, Zak P, Poulsen CB, Magliano G, Jimenez M, Bonuomo V, Piukovics K, Dragonetti G, Demirkan F, Blennow O, Valkovic T, Gomes Da Silva M, Maertens J, Glenthoj A, Fernandez N, Bergantim R, Verga L, Petzer V, Omrani AS, Mendez GA, Machado M, Ledoux MP, Bailen R, Duarte RF, Del Principe MI, Farina F, Martin-Perez S, Davila-Valls J, Marchetti M, Bilgin YM, Fracchiolla NS, Cattaneo C, Espigado I, Cordoba R, Collins GP, Labrador J, Falces-Romero I, Prezioso L, Meers S, Passamonti F, Buquicchio C, Lopez-Garcia A, Kulasekararaj A, Ormazabal-Velez I, Cuccaro A, Garcia-Vidal C, Busca A, Navratil M, de Jonge N, Biernat MM, Guidetti A, Abu-Zeinah G, Samarkos M, Anastasopoulou A, de Ramon C, Gonzalez-Lopez TJ, Hoenigl M, Finizio O, Pinczes LI, Ali N, Vena A, Tascini C, Stojanoski Z, Merelli M, Emarah Z, Kohn M, Barac A, Mladenovic M, Miskovic B, Ilhan O, Colak GM, Cernan M, Grafe SK, Ammatuna E, Hanakova M, Visek B, Cabirta A, Nordlander A, Nunes Rodrigues R, Hersby DS, Zambrotta GPM, Wolf D, Nunez-Martin-Buitrago L, Arellano E, Aiello TF, Garcia-Sanz R, Prattes J, Egger M, Limongelli A, Bavastro M, Cvetanoski M, Dibos M, Rasch S, Rahimli L, Cornely OA, Pagano L, and registry E (2024). Need for ICU and outcome of critically ill patients with COVID-19 and haematological malignancies: results from the EPICOVIDEHA survey. Infection. doi:10.1007/s15010-023-02169-7.
- Musto P, Salmanton-Garcia J, Sgherza N, Bergantim R, Farina F, Glenthoj A, Cengiz Seval G, Weinbergerova B, Bonuomo V, Bilgin YM, van Doesum J, Jaksic O, Visek B, Falces-Romero I, Marchetti M, Davila-Valls J, Martin-Perez S, Nucci M, Lopez-Garcia A, Itri F, Buquicchio C, Verga L, Piukovics K, Navratil M, Collins GP, Jimenez M, Fracchiolla NS, Labrador J, Prezioso L, Rossi E, Colovic N, Meers S, Kulasekararaj A, Cuccaro A, Blennow O, Valkovic T, Sili U, Ledoux MP, Batinic J, Passamonti F, Machado M, Duarte RF, Poulsen CB, Mendez GA, Espigado I, Demirkan F, Cernan M, Cattaneo C, Petzer V, Magliano G, Garcia-Vidal C, El-Ashwah S, Gomes-Da-Silva M, Vena A, Ormazabal-Velez I, van Praet J, Dargenio M, De-Ramon C, Del Principe MI, Marques-De-Almeida J, Wolf D, Szotkowski T, Obr A, Colak GM, Nordlander A, Izuzquiza M, Cabirta A, Zambrotta GPM, Cordoba R, Zak P, Ammatuna E, Mayer J, Ilhan O, Garcia-Sanz R, Quattrone M, Arellano E, Nunes-Rodrigues R, Emarah Z, Aiello TF, Hanakova M, Racil Z, Bavastro M, Limongelli A, Rahimli L, Marchesi F, Cornely OA, and Pagano L (2024). Survival in multiple myeloma and SARS-COV-2 infection through the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from the EPICOVIDEHA registry. Hematol Oncol42, e3240. doi:10.1002/hon.3240.
- Themistocleous S, Argyropoulos CD, Vogazianos P, Shiamakkides G, Noula E, Nearchou A, Yiallouris A, Filippou C, Stewart FA, Koniordou M, Kopsidas I, Askling HH, Vene S, Gagneux-Brunon A, Prellezo JB, Álvarez-Barco E, Salmanton-García J, Leckler J, Macken AJ, Davis RJ, Azzini AM, Armeftis C, Hellemans M, Di Marzo R, Luis C, Olesen OF, Valdenmaiier O, Jakobsen SF, Nauclér P, Launay O, Mallon P, Ochando J, van Damme P, Tacconelli E, Zaoutis T, Cornely OA, Pana ZD. Perspectives of European Patient Advocacy Groups on Volunteer Registries and Vaccine Trials: VACCELERATE Survey Study. JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2024 Apr 4;10:e47241. doi: 10.2196/47241. PMID: 38573762; PMCID: PMC10996911.
- Argyropoulos CD, Leckler J, Salmanton-Garcia J, Constantinou M, Alexandrou A, Themistocleous S, Noula E, Shiamakkides G, Nearchou A, Stewart FA, Albus K, Koniordou M, Kopsidas I, Spivak O, Hellemans M, Hendrickx G, Davis RJ, Azzini AM, Simon PV, Carcas-Sansuan AJ, Askling HH, Vene S, Prellezo JB, Alvarez-Barco E, Macken AJ, Di Marzo R, Luis C, Olesen OF, Frias Iniesta JA, Barta I, Toth K, Akova M, Bonten MMJ, Cohen-Kandli M, Cox RJ, Souckova L, Husa P, Jancoriene L, Launay O, Lundgren J, Mallon P, Armeftis C, Marques L, Naucler P, Ochando J, Tacconelli E, van Damme P, Zaoutis T, Hofstraat S, Bruijning-Verhagen P, Zeitlinger M, Cornely OA, and Pana ZD (2023). Enhancing Public Health Communication Regarding Vaccine Trials: Design and Development of the Pan-European VACCELERATE Toolkit. JMIR Public Health Surveill 9, e44491. doi:10.2196/44491.
- Busca A, Salmanton-Garcia J, Marchesi F, Farina F, Seval GC, Van Doesum J, De Jonge N, Bahr NC, Maertens J, Meletiadis J, Fracchiolla NS, Weinbergerova B, Verga L, Racil Z, Jimenez M, Glenthoj A, Blennow O, Tanase AD, Schonlein M, Prezioso L, Khanna N, Duarte RF, Zak P, Nucci M, Machado M, Kulasekararaj A, Espigado I, De Kort E, Ribera-Santa Susana JM, Marchetti M, Magliano G, Falces-Romero I, Ilhan O, Ammatuna E, Zompi S, Tsirigotis P, Antoniadou A, Zambrotta GPM, Nordlander A, Karlsson LK, Hanakova M, Dragonetti G, Cabirta A, Berg Venemyr C, Grafe S, Van Praet J, Tragiannidis A, Petzer V, Lopez-Garcia A, Itri F, Groh A, Gavriilaki E, Dargenio M, Rahimli L, Cornely OA, and Pagano L (2023). Outcome of COVID-19 in allogeneic stem cell transplant recipients: Results from the EPICOVIDEHA registry. Front Immunol 14, 1125030. doi:10.3389/fimmu.2023.1125030.
- El-Ashwah S, Salmanton-Garcia J, Bilgin YM, Itri F, Zak P, Weinbergerova B, Verga L, Omrani AS, Silva MGD, Szotkowski T, Marchetti M, Buquicchio C, Nucci M, Schonlein M, Farina F, Besson C, Prezioso L, Nizamuddin S, Davila-Valls J, Martin-Perez S, Bonuomo V, Van Doesum J, Tisi MC, Passamonti F, Mendez GA, Meers S, Maertens J, Lopez-Garcia A, Glenthoj A, Bonnani M, Rinaldi I, Ormazabal-Velez I, Labrador J, Kulasekararaj A, Espigado I, Demirkan F, De Jonge N, Collins GP, Calbacho M, Blennow O, Al-Khabori M, Adzic-Vukicevic T, Arellano E, Miskovic B, Mladenovic M, Nordlander A, Racil Z, Ammatuna E, Cordoba R, Hersby DS, Grafe S, Emarah Z, Hanakova M, Sacchi MV, Ijaz M, Rahimli L, Nunes Rodrigues R, Zambrotta GPM, Marchesi F, Cornely OA, and Pagano L (2023). The mortality of COVID-19 in CML patients from 2020 until 2022: results from the EPICOVIDEHA survey. Leuk Lymphoma, 1-10. doi:10.1080/10428194.2023.2280886.
- Marchesi F, Salmanton-Garcia J, Emarah Z, Piukovics K, Nucci M, Lopez-Garcia A, Racil Z, Farina F, Popova M, Zompi S, Audisio E, Ledoux MP, Verga L, Weinbergerova B, Szotkovski T, Da Silva MG, Fracchiolla N, De Jonge N, Collins G, Marchetti M, Magliano G, Garcia-Vidal C, Biernat MM, Van Doesum J, Machado M, Demirkan F, Al-Khabori M, Zak P, Visek B, Stoma I, Mendez GA, Maertens J, Khanna N, Espigado I, Dragonetti G, Fianchi L, Del Principe MI, Cabirta A, Ormazabal-Velez I, Jaksic O, Buquicchio C, Bonuomo V, Batinic J, Omrani AS, Lamure S, Finizio O, Fernandez N, Falces-Romero I, Blennow O, Bergantim R, Ali N, Win S, Van Praet J, Tisi MC, Shirinova A, Schonlein M, Prattes J, Piedimonte M, Petzer V, Navratil M, Kulasekararaj A, Jindra P, Sramek J, Glenthoj A, Fazzi R, De Ramon-Sanchez C, Cattaneo C, Calbacho M, Bahr NC, El-Ashwah S, Cordoba R, Hanakova M, Zambrotta G, Sciume M, Booth S, Rodrigues RN, Sacchi MV, Garcia-Pouton N, Martin-Gonzalez JA, Khostelidi S, Grafe S, Rahimli L, Ammatuna E, Busca A, Corradini P, Hoenigl M, Klimko N, Koehler P, Pagliuca A, Passamonti F, Cornely OA, Pagano L, and group Ew (2023). COVID-19 in adult acute myeloid leukemia patients: a long-term follow-up study from the European Hematology Association survey (EPICOVIDEHA). Haematologica 108, 22-33. doi:10.3324/haematol.2022.280847.
- Marchetti M, Salmanton-Garcia J, El-Ashwah S, Verga L, Itri F, Racil Z, Davila-Valls J, Martin-Perez S, Van Doesum J, Passamonti F, Abu-Zeinah G, Farina F, Lopez-Garcia A, Dragonetti G, Cattaneo C, Gomes Da Silva M, Bilgin YM, Zak P, Petzer V, Glenthoj A, Espigado I, Buquicchio C, Bonuomo V, Prezioso L, Meers S, Duarte R, Bergantim R, Jaksic O, Colovic N, Blennow O, Cernan M, Schonlein M, Samarkos M, Mitra ME, Magliano G, Maertens J, Ledoux MP, Jimenez M, Demirkan F, Collins GP, Cabirta A, Grafe SK, Nordlander A, Wolf D, Arellano E, Cordoba R, Hanakova M, Zambrotta GPM, Nunes Rodrigues R, Limberti G, Marchesi F, Cornely OA, and Pagano L (2023). Outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Ph-neg chronic myeloproliferative neoplasms: results from the EPICOVIDEHA registry. Ther Adv Hematol 14, 20406207231154706. doi:10.1177/20406207231154706.
- Musto P, Salmanton-Garcia J, Sgherza N, Bergantim R, Farina F, Glenthoj A, Cengiz Seval G, Weinbergerova B, Bonuomo V, Bilgin YM, van Doesum J, Jaksic O, Visek B, Falces-Romero I, Marchetti M, Davila-Valls J, Martin-Perez S, Nucci M, Lopez-Garcia A, Itri F, Buquicchio C, Verga L, Piukovics K, Navratil M, Collins GP, Jimenez M, Fracchiolla NS, Labrador J, Prezioso L, Rossi E, Colovic N, Meers S, Kulasekararaj A, Cuccaro A, Blennow O, Valkovic T, Sili U, Ledoux MP, Batinic J, Passamonti F, Machado M, Duarte RF, Poulsen CB, Mendez GA, Espigado I, Demirkan F, Cernan M, Cattaneo C, Petzer V, Magliano G, Garcia-Vidal C, El-Ashwah S, Gomes-Da-Silva M, Vena A, Ormazabal-Velez I, van Praet J, Dargenio M, De-Ramon C, Del Principe MI, Marques-De-Almeida J, Wolf D, Szotkowski T, Obr A, Colak GM, Nordlander A, Izuzquiza M, Cabirta A, Zambrotta GPM, Cordoba R, Zak P, Ammatuna E, Mayer J, Ilhan O, Garcia-Sanz R, Quattrone M, Arellano E, Nunes-Rodrigues R, Emarah Z, Aiello TF, Hanakova M, Racil Z, Bavastro M, Limongelli A, Rahimli L, Marchesi F, Cornely OA, and Pagano L (2023). Survival in multiple myeloma and SARS-COV-2 infection through the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from the epicovideha registry. Hematol Oncol. doi:10.1002/hon.3240.
- Rossi G, Salmanton-Garcia J, Cattaneo C, Marchesi F, Davila-Valls J, Martin-Perez S, Itri F, Lopez-Garcia A, Glenthoj A, Gomes da Silva M, Besson C, Marchetti M, Weinbergerova B, Jaksic O, Jimenez M, Bilgin YM, Van Doesum J, Farina F, Zak P, Verga L, Collins GP, Bonuomo V, Van Praet J, Nucci M, Meers S, Espigado I, Fracchiolla NS, Valkovic T, Poulsen CB, Colovic N, Dragonetti G, Ledoux MP, Tascini C, Buquicchio C, Blennow O, Passamonti F, Machado M, Labrador J, Duarte RF, Schonlein M, Prezioso L, Falces-Romero I, Kulasekararaj A, Garcia-Vidal C, Fernandez N, Abu-Zeinah G, Ormazabal-Velez I, Adzic-Vukicevic T, Piukovics K, Stoma I, Cuccaro A, Magliano G, Szotkowski T, Gonzalez-Lopez TJ, El-Ashwah S, Bergantim R, Sili U, Maertens J, Demirkan F, De Ramon C, Petzer V, Del Principe MI, Navratil M, Dargenio M, Seval GC, Samarkos M, Racil Z, Pinczes LI, Lahmer T, Busca A, Mendez GA, Vena A, Biernat MM, Merelli M, Calbacho M, Barac A, Bavastro M, Limongelli A, Ilhan O, Wolf D, Colak GM, Garcia-Sanz R, Emarah Z, Miskovic B, Grafe SK, Mladenovic M, Aiello TF, Nunez-Martin-Buitrago L, Nordlander A, Arellano E, Zambrotta GPM, Ammatuna E, Cabirta A, Sacchi MV, Nunes Rodrigues R, Hersby DS, Hanakova M, Rahimli L, Cordoba R, Cornely OA, Pagano L, and Collaborators (2023). Age, successive waves, immunization, and mortality in elderly COVID-19 hematological patients: EPICOVIDEHA findings. Int J Infect Dis 137, 98-110. doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2023.10.013.
- Salmanton-Garcia J, Hoenigl M, Gangneux JP, Segal E, Alastruey-Izquierdo A, Arikan Akdagli S, Lagrou K, Ozenci V, Vena A, and Cornely OA (2023). The current state of laboratory mycology and access to antifungal treatment in Europe: a European Confederation of Medical Mycology survey. Lancet Microbe 4, e47-e56. doi:10.1016/S2666-5247(22)00261-0.
- Salmanton-Garcia J, Marchesi F, Gomes da Silva M, Farina F, Davila-Valls J, Bilgin YM, Glenthoj A, Falces-Romero I, Van Doesum J, Labrador J, Buquicchio C, El-Ashwah S, Petzer V, Van Praet J, Schonlein M, Dargenio M, Mendez GA, Meers S, Itri F, Giordano A, Pinczes LI, Espigado I, Stojanoski Z, Lopez-Garcia A, Prezioso L, Jaksic O, Vena A, Fracchiolla NS, Gonzalez-Lopez TJ, Colovic N, Delia M, Weinbergerova B, Marchetti M, Marques de Almeida J, Finizio O, Besson C, Biernat MM, Valkovic T, Lahmer T, Cuccaro A, Ormazabal-Velez I, Batinic J, Fernandez N, De Jonge N, Tascini C, Anastasopoulou AN, Dulery R, Del Principe MI, Plantefeve G, Papa MV, Nucci M, Jimenez M, Aujayeb A, Hernandez-Rivas JA, Merelli M, Cattaneo C, Blennow O, Nordlander A, Cabirta A, Varricchio G, Sacchi MV, Cordoba R, Arellano E, Grafe SK, Wolf D, Emarah Z, Ammatuna E, Hersby DS, Martin-Perez S, Nunes Rodrigues R, Rahimli L, Pagano L, Cornely OA, and registry E (2023). Nirmatrelvir/ritonavir in COVID-19 patients with haematological malignancies: a report from the EPICOVIDEHA registry. EClinicalMedicine 58, 101939. doi:10.1016/j.eclinm.2023.101939.
- Salmanton-Garcia J, Marchesi F, Koehler P, Weinbergerova B, Colovic N, Falces-Romero I, Buquicchio C, Farina F, van Praet J, Biernat MM, Itri F, Prezioso L, Tascini C, Vena A, Romano A, Delia M, Davila-Valls J, Martin-Perez S, Lavilla-Rubira E, Adzic-Vukicevic T, Garcia-Bordallo D, Lopez-Garcia A, Criscuolo M, Petzer V, Fracchiolla NS, Espigado I, Sili U, Meers S, Erben N, Cattaneo C, Tragiannidis A, Gavriilaki E, Schonlein M, Mitrovic M, Pantic N, Merelli M, Labrador J, Hernandez-Rivas JA, Glenthoj A, Fouquet G, Del Principe MI, Dargenio M, Calbacho M, Besson C, Kohn M, Grafe S, Hersby DS, Arellano E, Colak GM, Wolf D, Marchetti M, Nordlander A, Blennow O, Cordoba R, Miskovic B, Mladenovic M, Bavastro M, Limongelli A, Rahimli L, Pagano L, and Cornely OA (2023). Molnupiravir compared to nirmatrelvir/ritonavir for COVID-19 in high-risk patients with haematological malignancy in Europe. A matched-paired analysis from the EPICOVIDEHA registry. Int J Antimicrob Agents 62, 106952. doi:10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2023.106952.
- van Doesum JA, Salmanton-Garcia J, Marchesi F, Di Blasi R, Falces-Romero I, Cabirta A, Farina F, Besson C, Weinbergerova B, Van Praet J, Schonlein M, Lopez-Garcia A, Lamure S, Guidetti A, De Ramon-Sanchez C, Batinic J, Gavriilaki E, Tragiannidis A, Tisi MC, Plantefeve G, Petzer V, Ormazabal-Velez I, Marques de Almeida J, Marchetti M, Maertens J, Machado M, Kulasekararaj A, Hernandez-Rivas JA, Gomes da Silva M, Fernandez N, Espigado I, Drgona L, Dragonetti G, Metafuni E, Calbacho M, Blennow O, Wolf D, van Anrooij B, Nunes Rodrigues R, Nordlander A, Martin-Gonzalez JA, Lievin R, Jimenez M, Grafe SK, Garcia-Sanz R, Cordoba R, Rahimli L, van Meerten T, Cornely OA, and Pagano L (2023). Impact of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and monoclonal antibodies on outcome post-CD19-directed CAR T-cell therapy: an EPICOVIDEHA survey. Blood Adv 7, 2645-2655. doi:10.1182/bloodadvances.2022009578.
- Wingen-Heimann SM, Davies K, Viprey VF, Davis G, Wilcox MH, Vehreschild M, Lurienne L, Bandinelli PA, Cornely OA, Vilken T, Hopff SM, Vehreschild JJ, and consortium C-C (2023). Clostridioides difficile infection (CDI): A pan-European multi-center cost and resource utilization study, results from the Combatting Bacterial Resistance in Europe CDI (COMBACTE-CDI). Clin Microbiol Infect 29, 651 e651-651 e658. doi:10.1016/j.cmi.2022.12.019.