PD Dr. Lydia Meder - Curriculum Vitae
Education and professional career
since 2020: Senior Scientist & Lecturer, Department I for Internal Medicine, University of Cologne
2020: Venia Legendi
2019: Visiting Scientist, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Cancer Center Amsterdam, Netherlands Cancer Institute
2016 - 2019: Post-Doc, Department I for Internal Medicine, University of Cologne
2012 - 2016: PhD, Institute for Pathology, University of Cologne
2009 - 2011: Master of Science in Biology with Biomedical Sciences
2006 - 2009: Bachelor of Science in Applied Biology
Awards, distinctions and professional activities
Memberships University of Cologne
- Member of the Study Advisory Board
- Member of the PhD examination committee of the Interdisciplinary Program Molecular Medicine of the Mat. Nat. Faculty and the Medical Faculty
Memberships (external)
- CIMT - Association for Cancer Immunotherapy CIMT e.V.
- EATI - European Association of Tumor Immunology
- GIBeT - Gesellschaft für Information, Beratung und Therapie an Hochschulen
- CoPf - Coaching for future female professors (University of Cologne, Medical Faculty)
- Cornelia Harte Mentoring PRO 2019, University of Cologne
- Network & Exchange Funds 2019, University of Cologne
- DAAD Stipend 2019
- Best Poster Award: Annual Symposium of the DGHO in the session Lung tumors (14.-18. Okt 2016, Germany)
- Erasmus Stipend 2009