Dr. David Pla Martín - Curriculum Vitae
Education and professional career
since 2018: Postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Vegetative Physiology, University of Köln, Prof. Dr. Rudolf J. Wiesner.
2014 - 2017: Postdoctoral fellow at CECAD, University of Köln. Prof. Elena I. Rugarli.
2013 - 2014: Postdoctoral fellow at Prince Felipe Research Center, Valencia, Spain. Dr. Francesc Palau, Dr. Carmen Espinós.
2012 - 2013: Research Scientist. Centre for Biomedical Network Research on Rare Diseases (CIBERER).
2012: Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Biology Faculty, University of Valencia, Spain. Spanish Research Council – CSIC.
2007 - 2012: PhD Student – Biomedicine Institute of Valencia, Spanish Research Council, CSIC. Valencia, Spain.
2007: Master in Genetics, Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Valencia, Spain.
2006 - 2007: Genetics Department, Faculty of Biology. University of Valencia, Spain.
2006: Bachelor degree in Biology (M.Sc.), University of Valencia, Spain.
Awards, distinctions and professional activities
2007: PhD fellowship FPI MICINN. Spanish Research Council (CSIC)
Guest Associate Editor for “Molecular Diagnostics and Therapeutics – Frontiers in Molecular Bioscience”