Call for Applications for the Career Advancement Program
For members of the University of Cologne
The Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne is looking forward to receiving applications from highly talented mid-career researchers and clinician scientists at the University of Cologne, whose scientific profiles meet the requirements for submitting applications for the Career Advancement Program (CAP). The candidate is expected to have a strong research interest in disease-oriented research with a focus on molecular mechanisms in the three research areas of the CMMC. The CMMC Executive Board strongly encourages female scientists to submit CAP applications.
About the Career Advancement Program
The Career Advancement Program (CAP) is a funding instrument that was established to further promote highly talented mid-career researchers and clinician scientists aiming for a full professorship in academia or equivalent leadership positions at non-university research institutions in the future.
The program has been proven to be extremely successful. The CMMC is particularly interested in promoting specifically female scientists. Therefore, the CMMC Executive Board decided to extend the CAP program to members of the Medical Faculty and the Science Faculty who would like to participate in the CAP Program. Research proposals that meet the formal criteria and fit into one of the three research areas of the CMMC
A) Mechanisms of tumor development: intrinsic and extrinsic control of cell proliferation and tissue invasion
B) Principles of immunity, inflammation and infection
C) Molecular mechanisms and metabolic control of tissue degeneration and regeneration
qualify for the scientific evaluation process performed by the members of the Executive Board of the CMMC.
Since its introduction in 2013, a total of 34 scientists have been recognised as CAP Awardees. 18 scientists have successfully completed the CAP Program and have been appointed to professorships or have taken up leading positions at non-university research institutions or in the industrial life science sector. At present, 16 scientists are in receipt of CAP funding. For further information, please visit: https://www.cmmc-uni-koeln.de/research/career-advancement-groups.
Successful candidates will be awarded with 10.800 € CAP for three years with the possibility of additional two years funding after positive external evaluation in addition to lab space in the CMMC Research Building (if applicable) and mentoring and training options, among others.
Outline of the CAP-Program
- Regular calls for submission of proposals and evaluation by the CMMC Executive Board.
- Funding support of 10.800 € for flexible usage for consumables/personnel costs including 800 € travel expenses p.a. for three years plus two years.
- CMMC membership and participation in all CMMC activities.
- Extension of the CAP Funding for additional two years after positive external evaluation.
- If applicable, laboratory and office space will be provided for the specific funding period in the CMMC Research Building.
- Transferable skills training as well as hands-on mentoring options.
- Access to the CMMC infrastructure including administrative support.
- For further information, please visit: Career Advancement Program
Eligibility requirements for CAP funding
- A strong interest in disease-oriented research is expected with a focus on molecular mechanisms in the three research areas of the CMMC.
- Eligible candidates have to be members of the University of Cologne (incl. scientists employed via third party funding), who do not hold a professorship (W1/W2/W3 professorship, “Stiftungs- und außerplanmäßige Professur”).
- The candidate has to demonstrate that she/he is on a way of developing a successful career in the field of innovative molecular biomedical research and is not older than 40 years at the time of submitting the application.
- Extramural funding is required: running project funded by the DFG including CRC projects, the German Cancer Aid or ERC funding at the time of submission. Intramural funding is not considered. Junior Research Groups funded by the CMMC or other intramural sources are excluded.
- The submission of a subsequent CAP application is not possible; the maximum CAP funding period is 3 years plus additional 2 years after a positive external evaluation of the CAP progress report.
- Next CAP Funding Period: 04/2025 - 03/2028.
Criteria in the evaluation process
The CAP applications are evaluated by the members of the CMMC Executive Board and additional members of the Faculty of Medicine and the Science Faculty.
- The research interest of the applicant should be molecular biomedical disease-oriented with scientific originality that integrates in one of the three research areas of the CMMC. The application must be of high scientific quality and should reflect the standards given by the German Research Foundation.
- The research focus of the applicant in the mid-term of his/her academic career should reflect the significance for molecular medicine and sustainability in disease understanding.
- Prior scientific achievements of the applicant´s research group have to be demonstrated by the publication record and the acquisition of third-party funds of the applicant in peer-reviewed journals.
CAP Application Template
To apply, please use the CAP Application Template 2025 and
send your CAP application (PDF and word-document) by e-mail to zmmk-office@uni-koeln.de
The submission deadline is December 10, 2024.
If you have further questions, please contact:
Dr. Debora Grosskopf-Kroiher (CMMC Scientific Coordinator)
debora.grosskopf-kroiher[at]uni-koeln.de I 0221 478 5552