33rd Ernst Klenk Symposium in Molecular Medicine

Tissue regeneration, wound healing and fibrosis: Translating basic concepts into regenerative therapy

It has been our great pleasure to welcome over 370 participants from over 24 countries to the 33rd Ernst Klenk Symposium in Molecular Medicine 2017 on "Tissue regeneration, wound healing and fibrosis: Translating basic concepts into regenerative therapy".

We received excellent feedback from the participants regarding this years' program and the guest speakers' contribution commenting: “The talks of the guest speakers were top quality presenting interesting and novel insights into the various aspects of tissue regeneration, wound healing and fibrosis. The Klenk Symposium was one of the most exciting meetings in the field of tissue repair and regeneration in 2017”.

We would like to thank once again all guest speakers for their participation. It was a great honor and pleasure for us that you accepted our invitation.

CMMC Klenk Poster Award 2017

During the poster presentation over 70 posters were presented (Program-Poster Abstract Book_Klenk 2017). The poster track provided an excellent forum for presenting original research results and to promoting scientific interaction. The Poster Evaluation Committee awarded the poster award to the presenting author of following poster presentations:

Tina Jacob
 Plasticity, convergence and legacy of Lgr5 and Lgr6 stem cells during cutaneous wound repair

S. Joost, Tina Jacob, X. Sun, M. Kasper
 - Center for Innovative Medicine & Dept. of Biosciences and Nutrition, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SE

Christopher Jahn
: Tissue-specific roles of FGF signaling during zebrafish caudal fin regeneration 

Christopher Jahn, D. Wehner, G. Weidinger - Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Ulm Univ., Ulm, DE

Ryoichi Mori

Comprehensive identification of wound healing and inflammation miRNAs reveals a key role for miR-223 in neutro-philic clearance of Staphylococcus aureus at wound sites

Dept. of Pathology, Nagasaki Univ. School of Medicine, JP

Julian Nüchel
 Fibroblast secretion of TGFβ1 is executed by secretory autophagy

Julian Nüchel1, S. Ghatak2, A. Zuk1, M. Mörgelin3, T. Krieg2,4,5, G. Sengle1,4, B. Eckes2, M. Plomann1
1Biochemistry II & 2Dermatology, Univ. of Cologne, 3Division of Infection Medicine, Lund Univ., SE, 4CMMC & CECAD, Univ of Cologne, DE

Catherin Niemann, Ryoichi Mori, Julian Nüchel, Tina Jacobs, Christopher Jahn, Sabine Eming and Sabine Werner (from left to right).

We very much enjoyed hosting such an outstanding conference and interacting with the guest speakers and all participants.

Sincerely yours

Prof. Dr. Sabine Eming - PD Dr. Catherin Niemann - Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Krieg
Chairs - Cologne Klenk Symposium Committee 2017

Cologne Klenk Symposium Board 2017

Chairs: Prof. Dr. Sabine Eming (Dept. of Dermatology and Venerology), PD Dr. Catherin Niemann (Inst. for Biochemistry /CMMC) and Prof. Dr. Dr. Thomas Krieg (Dept. of Dermatology and Venerology)
Prof. Dr. Carien Niessen (Dept. of Dermatology and Venerology / CECAD Cologne) - Prof. Dr. Matthias Hammerschmidt (Biocenter - Inst. for Zoology) - Prof. Dr. Claus Cursiefen (Dept. of Ophthalmology)- Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schermer (Dept. of Internal Medicine, Nephrolab) - Prof. Dr. Thomas Benzing (Chair - CMMC) - Dr. Debora Grosskopf-Kroiher (CMMC-Organization)


Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC) - University of Cologne

The CMMC organizer thanks the Cologne Convention Bureau for their excellent support.
Further information: http://www.conventioncologne.de

We gratefully acknowledge support by

Certified with 12 CME Credits

by the Nordrheinische Akademie für ärztliche Fort- und Weiterbildung, Düsseldorf (Germany).

Poster Klenk 2017

Program Klenk 2017

Abstract Book - Klenk 2017

For download

Sabine Werner

Coordinator and Key Note Speaker - Klenk Lecture

Institute for Molecular Health Science
Dept. of Biology
ETH Zurich - Zurich, CH

Sabine Eming

Coordinator and Chair
Cologne Klenk Symposium Committee 2017

Dept. of Dermatology and Venerology / CMMC - Univ. of Cologne

Catherin Niemann

Coordinator and Chair
Cologne Klenk Symposium Committee 2017

Institute for Biochemistry and CMMC
Univ. of Cologne

Thomas Krieg

Coordinator and Chair
Cologne Klenk Symposium Committee 2017

Dept. of Dermatology and Venerology - Univ. of Cologne

Thomas Benzing

Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne - Univ. of Cologne

We gratefully acknowledge the support by following industrial partners: