Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne

Associated Research Groups

This program benefits from the CMMC´s dynamic allocation concept of lab/research space in the CMMC Research Building. For example, the Center integrates research groups funded by external institutions as associated research groups and provides access to lab/research space, core units and support from the Central Office.

Associated Research Groups - Funding Period 1/2023 -12/2025

Research Area A

  • Bozek, Katarzyna - assoc. RG 33

  • Jachimowicz, Ron - assoc. RG 36

  • Kath-Schorr, Stephanie - assoc. RG 42

  • Niemann, Catherin - assoc. RG 14

  • Odenthal, Margarethe - assoc. RG 37

  • Pallasch, Christian P - assoc. RG 15

  • Peifer, Martin - assoc. RG 16

  • Schmutzler, Rita - assoc. RG 20

  • Schweiger, Michal-Ruth - assoc. RG 35

  • Thomas, Roman - assoc. RG 22

  • Ullrich, Roland - assoc. RG 23

  • Wodarz, Andreas - assoc. RG 24

Research Area B

Research Area C