Call for Project Proposals
Preparation of the 11th CMMC Funding Period (1/2026-12/2028)
For Members of the University of Cologne
The Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne (CMMC) invites researchers to apply for our prestigious project funding program. Whether you're considering an Individual Project Proposal or a collaborative Tandem Project Proposal, we welcome your ideas and creativity.
The Cologne Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne is dedicated to advancing our understanding of the molecular and cellular mechanisms underlying human disease and to facilitating translational research that ultimately contributes to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. To achieve this goal the CMMC has implemented various funding programs. The Individual Project Funding Program has been a cornerstone of the CMMC´s funding strategy since the early 1990s.
As the current three-year funding period is coming to a close on 31 Dec. 2025, preparations for the upcoming CMMC funding period (1/2026-12/2028) has started with the first call for submission of reseach proposals. In addition to traditional Individual Project Proposals, we also allow the submission of Tandem Project Proposals. Tandem Project Proposals involve two investigators from different institutions and disciplines who work together on a joint project. The project may contain two sub-projects. In each case, the applicants should demonstrate a strong research interest in disease-oriented research, focusing on molecular mechanisms across the three research areas of the CMMC.
Explore the details on our website and seize the opportunity to bring your research to life with CMMC’s support!
Eligibility and Submission Guidelines
The CMMC invites researchers to submit innovative, disease-oriented project proposals. This call is open to members of the Faculty of Medicine or the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Cologne, including those employed by third-party funding or by the University Hospital Cologne (for members of the Faculty of Medicine).
Eligibility and Submission Guidelines (Jan. 2025)
Format of submitted proposals
Researchers may submit proposals in one of the following formats:
Individual Project Proposal
Tandem Project Proposal, involving two investigators from different institutions and disciplines who work together on a joint project. The project may contain two sub-projects.
Focus and Impact
- Submitted project proposals must demonstrate the importance of the research in the following areas:
- Advancing the molecular understanding of the disease with clinical impact.
- Contributing to its clinical and medical relevance.
- Translational potential, including improvements in therapy, diagnosis or prevention.
- Individual Project Proposals should describe existing or planned interdisciplinary collaborations.
- Tandem Project Proposals should highlight the synergies and benefits of the joint approach. The submission of Tandem Project Proposals is encouraged.
- To facilitate the integration of a broader range of research groups, the submitted proposals should align with one of the three CMMC research areas:
A) Mechanisms of tumor development: intrinsic and extrinsic control of cell proliferation and tissue invasion
B) Principles of immunity, inflammation and infection
C) Molecular mechanisms and metabolic control of tissue degeneration and regeneration
Evaluation Criteria
- Innovative, disease-oriented project proposals: Whether submitted as an Individual or as part of Tandem Project Proposal, the proposals should demonstrate a high degree of scientific originality.
- In each case, the significance of the proposed research will be assessed in terms of its potential impact on advancing the molecular understanding of the disease, the clinical and medical relevance, and its translational (bench to bedside) potential to improve therapy, diagnosis, or prevention.
- Priority will be given to proposals that demonstrate substantial scientific merit and innovation.
- First-time applicants will be given special consideration in case of comparable evaluation results.
- Scientific excellence of the Principal Applicant: The scientific excellence of the Principal Investigator (PI) and his/her research group must be demonstrated by the PI's publication record in peer-reviewed journals and competitive extramural funding.
- In general, a maximum of three individual Project Proposals plus one Tandem Project can be funded for a single institute or clinical department. However, there is no limit to the number of applications that can be submitted.The applicants are expected to provide evidence of ongoing extramural funding from a recognized funding body such as the German Research Foundation (DFG) – with the exception of central core projects and support for consumables/equipment, the German Cancer Aid Foundation, and the European Research Council (ERC). Intramural funding will not be considered.
- A researcher can act as a Principal Applicant (PA) for one Individual Project Proposal or subproject as part of a Tandem Project Proposal.
Submitting follow-up research or new proposals after one or two successful CMMC funding periods
- The maximum funding period for a research project is six years, comprising two consecutive funding periods of the CMMC´s Individual Project Funding Program.
- Once a project on the same research topic has been successfully funded for two consecutive CMMC funding periods ((01/2020-12/2022 and 01/2023-12/2025), it is possible to submit an individual project proposal or a sub-project proposal as part of a Tandem Project Proposal. In either case, the project proposal must be distinguishable from the previously funded research project, as evidenced by the enclosed progress report covering the complete six years or the last three years of CMMC funding.
Overview of Funding
- The total funding volume is approximately €2.3 million. The number of projects funded and the amount of funding will depend on the total number of excellent proposals that receive final approval of financing.
- In addition to Individual Project Funding Proposals, five to ten Tandem Project Proposals will be funded. Each sub-project will receive the same amount of funding as an Individual Project Proposal.
Formal Submission Requirements
- Template: All proposals must follow to the official CMMC Grant Application Template. The template will be available soon.
- Supporting Documents: Research projects funded in the current CMMC funding period must include a comprehensive progress report.
January 20, 2025
First Call for the sumission of research proposals for the preparation of the CMMC new funding period (01/2026-12/2028)
June 16, 2025
Submission deadline for research proposals
June 17 - August 22, 2025
Internal evaluation
Sept. 09, 2025
Start of the external evaluation process
Oct. 01 - Nov. 10, 2025
Preparation of the site visit of the Scientific Advisory Board
- Oct. 01, 2025: Call for the submission of poster presentations
- Nov. 10, 2025: Deadline for sending your final poster.pptx to the CMMC-Office (zmmk-koordinationsstelle[at]uni-koeln.de)
Nov. 20 - 21, 2025
Site Visit of the Scientific Advisory Board with poster presentation
and final evaluation
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have further questions:
Dr. Debora Grosskopf-Kroiher (debora.grosskopf-kroiher[at]uni-koeln.de / phone: +49 221 478 5552)
Dr. Claudia Herr (claudia.herr[at]uni-koeln.de / phone +49 221 478 89534)